
Chapter 20

Kathryn noticed how late it was getting after checking the time on her phone. She then went to seek Jessica out to get her identification papers and say her goodbyes.

Jessica, meanwhile, was fixing up a bed. She looked disappointed when she heard that Kathryn was leaving. "Why are you leaving? You should spend the night here."

Kathryn shook her head. "I can't. I have work tomorrow."

"What do you need the identification papers for?" Jessica didn't know that she was here for the papers. After all, the civil registry was something that was rarely used.

"The company's annual team-building trip will be taking place abroad. I need these to apply for a passport." Not wanting her sister to worry, Kathryn made up a lie. After all, this was a marriage of convenience. Their relationship had no future, and divorce was inevitable.

Jessica nodded and handed her the registry. Kathryn accepted it and said, "I'll return them the next time I visit."

"Take your time!" Jessica said.

Kathryn flipped through the papers. Only she and Jessica were listed. Their grandmother's page had been stamped with the word "deceased." She then turned to Jessica, who'd gained some weight, to ask, "Are you not going to swap your registry over?"

Jessica visibly stiffened at her words. Kathryn instantly understood what was happening. Her sister's marriage to Matthew had been proposed by a distant relative and facilitated by their mother, Wendy Bohemin—now Mrs. Gavin. Wendy had wanted Jessica to have her name registered in a Harborlean family. However, no progress had been made even though Jessica and Matthew already had a five-year-old daughter. Kathryn could make out the hurt in Jessica's eyes before turning to Kelly, who'd fallen asleep.

"Kelly is already attending school. You should get a job."

Jessica's education had been funded by a good Samaritan, which had allowed her to graduate from a prestigious institution. She shouldn't be bulldozed into living the way she was now. Frankly, Kathryn thought Jessica shouldn't have gone along with their mother's arrangements.

Jessica also regretted her decision. The elderly may not necessarily be right in many cases. It was likely she'd already considered Kathryn's suggestion. "I want to do that too, but no one is willing to drop Kelly off at school or pick her up." The child was now receiving education, but Karen was unwilling to help with dropping her off three times a day, despite Jessica already discussing the matter with her. It was also made obvious at the dinner table that they were pushing for a second child.

Kathryn's tone was grave. "Have Kelly take her lunch to school. There are plenty of opportunities out there that allow for morning and night shifts."

Jessica gave her a look that implied she had more to say.

"This isn't the time for you to have a second child!" Kathryn said.

Jessica paled. Her little sister realized how much she didn't want a second child. No one would give her a hand if she gave birth. Not to mention, if anything happened to be wrong with the child, the blame would fall solely on her. She had enough of living every day scrambling to find hope.

Not long after, Chris called and said he was waiting for Kathryn in the alley outside. She hadn't expected him to pick her up. After hanging up, she gave Jessica a reluctant look and gave her 500 dollars.

Jessica refused. "Maxwell has been demanding money from me. Keep it for yourself!"

Maxwell was their younger half-brother. Wendy had assumed Jessica would be set for life after marrying a Harbolean man and often turned to Jessica for help with supporting the son she'd had with that man. But Jessica had nothing to her name, so she turned to Kathryn for help. Maxwell had grown brazen with time and now went directly to Kathryn.

Kathryn lost her temper when the topic of their incompetent younger brother was brought up. "He has an internship now. Stop babying him." Speaking of which, he'd called her yesterday, but she'd hung up the call in anger. Chris' call had come right after. When she thought over it, she realized she hadn't given Maxwell a penny in nearly three months.

Jessica felt as if she were stuck between a rock and a hard place. "You know what Mom is like. If I stop giving him money, she'll come to Harbolean to kick up a fuss." It had happened before. Wendy's hysterics scared her.

Kathryn's expression sank further. "We can't keep rewarding them for acting out!"

"You can forget about it if you don't care!" Jessica snapped.

"Whatever. I'm leaving." Chris was already waiting for her; there was no time for her to chat. Nothing ever went right when Maxwell was brought up in conversation. Jessica nodded and decided to send her off with some packed leftovers. Kathryn refused, but her sister knew how difficult dinner must've been. That was why she'd packed food for her to grab and go. This way, she'd at least be able to have a hot meal when she got home.

Jessica wanted to accompany her, but Kathryn declined under the pretext of her niece being sick, fearing that she would see Chris.

It was completely dark out as Kathryn trudged beneath the dim street lights with a lunchbox in hand. A black Maybach was waiting as she exited the alleyway. Chris was leaning against the car door, smoking.

The way he looked at her had her hair standing on end. She approached respectfully. "Mr. Albert."

"You got your identification papers?"

"Yes." She nodded.

He spun on his heels and opened the car door. "Get in."

Kathryn tensed up when she noticed Chris' chivalrous actions. To think that her own boss would actually open the car door for her! She became even more reluctant to get in the car.

His lips quirked with derision when he noticed how she never moved a muscle. "What?"

"Um, you must be busy, Mr. Albert. I can head home by myself!" Kathryn thought Chris must've been in the area on business.

His face darkened. His voice was deep as he said, "I'm here to pick you up."

Kathryn was rendered speechless. Her restless heart thumped like a jackrabbit. He was here to pick her up. She couldn't help but waver under his gaze.

He raised a brow to signal her to get in the car. Kathryn, meanwhile, was at a loss as to whether or not she should get on. It didn't seem right if she didn't. It felt like an impossible challenge. She ultimately caved under his sharp stare.

The car door shut behind her, and Chris made his way around to the driver's seat. Kathryn might have been his assistant, but this was her first time in his car. The car smelled clean and fresh, unlike other cars that always carried an inexplicable odor.

He looked at the lunchbox she had in her arms and asked, "Did your sister make that?"

She nodded. "Yes." Jessica would always pack her the best food. It often included cuts of roasted meat.

Neither spoke until they reached Rexton Manor. Kathryn had no clue as to why he'd brought her here and asked anxiously, "Did you need me for something, Mr. Albert?" She thought she had to work overtime again. After all, it was an assistant's responsibility to care for her boss.

Her question had him shaking his head. He hadn't realized he'd brought her back with him. "No. You'll be living here from today onward."

Her heart skipped a beat. Was she to live here from now on? There's no way she could do that. She wasn't ready. "Isn't this just a marriage of convenience?" she stammered nervously.

Chris opened the car door. Before he got out, he doubled down, saying, "It is a marriage of convenience, but you're still required to live here." He provided no further explanation. His words read like orders, leaving no room for Kathryn to oppose him.

She clutched the lunchbox tightly as panic rushed over her. Having to face him at work already scared her out of her wits, and now she had to be by his side at night too. What was she supposed to do? She didn't want to spend every night worrying herself silly!

She heard his voice from outside the car. "Get out of the car!"

Kathryn was at a loss for words.

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