
Author: Ingrid Ify


It was just the night before her wedding she had had a nice romantic evening with her fiancée and everything seemed to be going jutj fine.

Rose was so happy and was in ecstasy, hoping for the best to come her way.

With a nice job, handsome, loving husband, have children and live happily ever after.

But all that changed in just a flash of an eye. With just one night.

Her fiancé had left her standing at the alter and never showed up.

After the wedding had been called off. Rose who was completely heart broken, devastated with shattered dreams went in search of her fiancé but only to find him in bed with her one and only best friend.

Who she had went through high school and college with and helped her get a job as a model at her company. She had never felt so betrayed and deceived in her life.

And as if that wasn't enough, both her fiancé and her so called best friend were already one step ahead of her.

Without her awareness, they both worked together and took everything she had worked her whole life for, all she has built, her company, shares and everything she valued.

They back stabbed her and took it all away from her.

Rose being so miserable with nothing else to do or anywhere and no one to go to or turn to, she decided to move far away from them to get her strength back and start all over again.

There she meets another stranger, a tall handsome, with well built athletic body. Who lived alone.

He immediately became her only companion and a shoulder for her to cry on. And without realising everything moving so fast, things soon turns into desire and attraction. She didn't know what his companion was doing to her and turning her into. She later became obsessed with him and so did he.

They couldn't go just for a day or night together without making love to each other.

But not quite long, she began to notice some strange things about him.

Could he be that her Prince charming, her night in shinning armor who had just rescued her from her recent heart break. Or could he be something worse, worse than what she could never imagine.

Let's find out as we follow Rose through her endless journey to romance, watch as her life turns into a nightmare, a horror movie as she is made to become something she would never dream of becoming.

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