
46.The Birthday Dash


I knew something was going on when the triplets had invited me to come for the weekend again. What was their problem? Why were they acting needy? I couldn't believe them. I wondered why they were acting clingy. Were they always this clingy and I had no idea of it because of the presence of our parents?

I missed them. It had been a month since they went on their honeymoon and they weren't back yet. Who could blame them? It wasn't as if they had a job or little children to get back home to. They had no reason to rush their honeymoon and come back.

My mum and her husband were having a swell time while I was having my own time troubled by my step-brothers.

What a life that I had. I scowled at myself.

I had allowed Sasha to come with me the last time that I was home because I wanted another company other than my brothers but I didn't think that I could allow her to come with me now.

I had almost died of fright when I had seen her taking a walk in the garden because she was bored. I co
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