

“I’ll take the black dress Mr. Stone reserved,” I said through a tightened jaw. Fucking ass**le. I’ll make him pay for this—and not in money.

“Si. He has fabulous taste, Signor Stone, does he not?” the manager questioned as she wrapped it in tissue paper in a box.

“Excellent.” I faked a smile. “What did you mean a moment ago? I wasn’t what you were expecting?”

Silently, she placed the lid down and slipped it into a bag. “The dress is charged to Signor Stone’s account. I’m sure you will look wonderful, signora.”

“What did you mean?” My voice was harder as I pushed it.

She gave me a smile, one lined with the bitchiness she hadn’t hidden since she approached me. “Forgive me. It was a slip of the tongue.”

She disappeared, leavi

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