
True Faces

"Dad, grandpa is going to hand the company to Belle." Bellamy walked to and fro inside Apollo's office while biting her nails.

"No way! Where did you hear this nonsense from?" Apollo slammed hard on the dest. His face turned red from anger.

"I heard grandpa talking to his old friend on the phone. He said he is going to give Belle her dad's shares, and if we count, her dad has 20% shares. " Bellamy scratched her short hair and threw the glass on the floor.

"How many times have I told you not to lose your calm? If it's his decision, then we need to hurry our plan." Apollo smirked.

Bellamy relaxed hearing her father's words. If the king wants to step on the battlefield, who dares to win against him? She felt smug when she thought of Belle's miserable-crying face. That was what she wanted- misery in Belle's life. Tod caught her attention not because he was good-looking, but because he was Belle's boyfriend.

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