

Chapter: 57.


"Hey, dad!" her cheerful voice ranged through his ears and he smiled. She had begun to call him Dad after her seventh birthday and he must say he was getting pretty attached to the little monkey, she was the sweetest thing, in all this mess, she made it worth his while.

"Hello, love, having fun." he returned and chuckled when he heard her giggle.

"Hmm-hmm..." she replied and he smiled. "Is mom back?" she asked. Loud noise filled her background and for some reason it made him smile. She seems to be having loads of fun.

"Yes, she is my love, look I will call you again soon, just checking on my little menace," she giggled and he laughed. "I have to go now, baby, be careful and play nice."

"Bye, Dad!"

"Bye, baby girl." The call came to an end, and just immediately another call came through it was his brother.

"How long is it going to take for you to get here?" Matthew spoke into his phone. "I'm running out of patience."

Michael laughed at his twin's impatience. "J
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