

Chapter: 138.


Michael put his phone away just in time to see the bearded handsome face of the young doctor he's come to love over the years since his brother introduced both of them. Easton stood a few feet away from him refusing to sit just like Alexander and Tide were. Allison has been taken away by two of the nurses and was now sound asleep in a room guarded by Matthew's men. Once the doctor got close enough Michael smiled so brightly it drove a frown upon Easton's face.

"Sir, Beard." He greeted the doctor as usual. They didn't get to exchange pleasantries when they arrived as he was more concerned with taking care of his dear friend.

"Playboy," Kent snorted, the name rolling off his tongue naturally.

"Hey, Doc..." Michael said with a frown. "...Easy now, not in front of my man, that name gives the wrong impression to the ladies and the men." Michael finished playfully with an innocent smile and Easton rolled his eyes at his ridiculous comeback.

Ignoring him then, Kent mov
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