

Chapter: 52.


The endless ringing of the doorbell had the man groaning as he forced tired eyes open, the ringing wouldn't stop even as he got out of bed and walked out of his room. He wasn't expecting anyone and neither was East. Come to think of it, East doesn't get visitors and he was merely freeloading so he wasn't expecting anyone which made him even more annoyed as he reluctantly descended the stairs while cursing profanities at whoever it was that was out there. Once he was standing in the foyer, eyes overlooking the French doors he hissed at who he saw standing there.

This couldn't be possible.

How had he found him?

And what was he doing there?

His legs froze at the spot, he couldn't move, wouldn't dare to take another step. A sudden blast from the doorbell had him jumping out of his skin and immediately striding to the door.

The doors parted for the uninvited guest, while he looked disheveled as any who just got woken from a peaceful nap, Matthew was wearing a pair of je
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