
Chapter 18

She increased the speed of her finger, causing Hayden to lift his hips. She looked at his face, knowing it was difficult for him not to come. She flicked her tongue over the tip of his shaft, licking the sweet drops of pre-come she found there. She pursed her lips and sucked Hayden's shaft into her mouth.

Hayden was so excited by what was occurring to him that he was unable to think. Barely coherent, he cupped the back of Brianna's wet head. He pressed her head, and she sucked him deeper. He tried to hold back, but between her finger and her mouth, it was becoming impossible. Brianna relaxed her grip on what he was becoming, and he exploded, filling her mouth with his cum.

Brianna let his shaft fall from her mouth and smiled. "Now I feel better. Do you?"

They towelled her off, and Hayden brought her to the bed. He claimed he didn't want her to hurt herself. There they made love until they fell into an exhausted but satisfied sleep.

Early that morning, Hayden was awake and thinking. Br
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