
Terrified by his aura

Daphne's POV

My heart leaped into my throat and I could hear my thoughts screaming different words to me. It was as though I was in a room filled with a lot of people who were all shouting at the same time.

I was on the verge of running on impulse but fear paralyzed me, the dread of being killed in a rival pack twisted in my gut.

I knew there was nothing I could do at that point, I just had to say my last prayers.

"Daphne!" Amelia called but it sounded like a thought so I didn't reply. My eyes were still fixed on nothing.

"Daphne!" She clamored with a voice loud enough to cause the walls to crack.

Amelia's third bellow startled me out of my reverie and immediately all my eyes were fixed on hers.

She placed her cold hands on my sinking shoulders and sighed heavily, her breath brushing the back of my left ear.

" You need to calm down, nobody heard us," Amelia assured.

I questioned immediately "What if someone heard us."

A broad smile on her face, threatening to break into a laugh.

"Then I will help you escape before he thinks of feeding your head to his dogs." She spoke gently, her voice was barely above a whisper but I wasn't too reassured that only I could hear her.

"Promise?" I replied.

"I shall remain loyal to the chosen one therefore I promise to help you,"

I nodded, even though I found it weird for a stranger to offer her loyalty to someone she met a few hours ago.

I folded my arms, crossing them against each other to prevent them from shaking too much. I had to hide my fear, I had to be bold like Amelia.

She dragged me inside and closed the door immediately, twisting the knob multiple times to make sure that it was locked.

"Here, I think this will fit you perfectly," she said, handing me a folded dress.

I reluctantly collected it from her while I tried to figure out how to untie the straps. In the blink of an eye, it was already open and then my hand flew to my mouth, muffling an involuntary gasp.

It was the most beautiful gown I had ever set my eyes on. It looked and smelled like royalty. I instantly felt unworthy of its beauty.

I blinked slowly, taking all of it in, while darting my eyes here and there; in search of where to carefully keep this dress.

I looked towards the window and my eyes met this broken wooden chair that was placed upside-down.

I exhaled in relief as I walked hurriedly towards the broken chair. I draped the gown on the chair without hesitation.

I carefully removed the revealing garment I was wearing and changed into the new one quickly. It seemed like I was preparing for something I wasn't aware of but I had to do


"Fasten me up please," gently, I ordered Amelia.

As she helped me fix the zip, suddenly there came a hard pounding on the door. We were all silent waiting for the person to say something.

Minutes stretched on but still no voice was heard.

The pounding continued, it became faster and louder than it was initially. I turned to look at Amelia who said nothing about the whole situation.

She too was terrified, it was futile for her to hide it.

Is this the one that would help me escape? I am doomed!

Shifting her gaze back to the door, she took one step forward and another step until she was directly in front of the door.

She unlocked it and opened the door slowly, its creak piercing my eardrums like a needle.

She opened the door slightly; in a way that only she could see the person in front of the door.

I stood still like a pillar and waited for her to tell me who it was. I attempted to hear what she was saying all in vain because she wouldn't stop talking like a thief on a mission.

After a while she closed the door, looking back at me with an emotionless face.

"Alpha Ares wants you," she finally spoke out.

"What do you mean? Does he want me? Am I in trouble?"

I asked then a gentle "No" proceeded from her mouth.

" I don't still understand why he would choose me, he said I am beautiful but I have never thought of myself to be beautiful because if I was I wouldn't have been a servant or treated like a slave amongst strangers,"

" We have to go," she snapped, interrupting my laments.

We were outside the room, once again. Walking through an eerie corridor that hardly had any light to aid us.

Beneath my feet, I heard funny creaks each time I stepped on the ground but in a twinkle of an eye, we were outside and walking through a narrow road towards the unknown.

My eyes lit up in awe when I was confronted with a river of people, standing in front of them was Ares their Alpha, and beside him were Lita and Keil.

I gawked in disbelief, the entire scenery wasn't different from the one I had just escaped from, at Elisiva's pack.

Like a predator stalking its prey, Lita glared at me. Her eyes, bulging from their sockets. Ares traced her glare and then his mischievous smile gave him away.

"Quiet! Everyone keep quiet!" Ares's deep baritone echoed, causing everyone to obey immediately.

All eyes were on him and nobody dared to move or utter a word, not even the chirping of crickets outside could be heard.

"Come," he turned to me and spoke gently.

I obeyed, who am I not to?

As I walked towards him, they all cleared the way that led me to him. On my arrival, his whole presence awoke the goosebumps on my skin. I was intrigued by how his aura terrified me.

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