

I decided to go for a walk since I've been indoors for too long. My mood was lifted after seeing the same birds as the other day. I smiled walking in their direction not trying to scare them away.

I stretched my hands out trying to get their attention and surprisingly a white bird flew on my outstretched hand. I was awed at how beautiful it was. Having them in my arms gives me this unexplainable joy.

I stood for minutes playing with the birds. When I grew tired, I allow them to fly away and they all queried away. I release a sigh of contentment. They just made my day and I'm glad.

" Look how good you are with the birds"

I was startled a little but then pulled myself together. It looks like history was repeating itself.

Xander came to stand in front of him with this perfect smile on his lips. I would have swooned if I wasn't with his brother. I know I'm being silly right now.

" What do you want?" I asked with a straight face.

Xander cock a brow " Last I checked we were good friends "

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