
Chapter 10 : My New Neighbor Is Hella Hot

He kissed me again, and then flipped me over onto my stomach. I got up onto my hands and knees, and he entered me from behind, his hands on my hips.

He started to move again, harder and faster this time. The change in position allowing him to hit even deeper........


I was heading out of my apartment to empty my trash when I opened the door and saw the most handsome man I'd ever laid my eyes upon.

Damnnn, he was tall ,sexy and he looked hella fit. I was standing in the hallway staring at him as he tried unlocking the door to the empty apartment just next to mine.

Wait a minute, he was unlocking the door to the empty apartment next to mine?! That could only mean one thing ,he was my new neighbor.

I was still staring when he turned and spotted me. He was handsome,he had the most beautiful grey eyes and blonde hair . I felt my belly flip,omg.

"Isn't it rude to stare without saying hello?" he asked , finally breaking me out of my thoughts

I looked down, embarrassed and blushing.

"I'm sorry,I was just...uhm ... looking, sorry" I said, unable to properly talk.

"It's okay,I'm Tristan, just moved in ,you live here? " he asked

"Yes ,I do ,I'm Laura,I live here,it's.... it's nice to meet you Tristan" I responded , still blushing.

"Well, nice to meet you too Laura, you should go empty that now " he said pointing at my bin.

I walked away quickly but not before catching the smirk on his face. He knew I was shy. Gosh,I couldn't hide it to save my life.

That apartment had been empty for the longest time ever . The last person who stayed there was a weirdo who just blasted loud music all day and didn't talk to anyone. Well, that was a long time ago .

My mind was filled with a lot of thoughts.I finally have a neighbor and he's hella hot . I wondered if he had a girlfriend,lol. I would bake him a little welcome cake , would he think I was doing too much ......ughhhh,slow down Laura .

I emptied my bin and walked back upstairs. I walked past his apartment and heard Tristan laughing with someone. I stood at my door and listened ,it was definitely a lady .

I went into my apartment and locked the door behind me. It was definitely his girlfriend, of course such a fine man couldn't be single.

I went into the kitchen to grab something to eat so I could leave for work . I was working a late night shift today and I didn't want to be late. The new manager was an asshole who was on a firing spree.

I ate up quickly,got dressed and headed out. I had about 20 mins left and the twenty-four bakery where I worked was just a 10 minute walk from the apartment . I was locking my door when Tristan came out of his with a lady .

"Hi Laura, heading out?" he asked me with his hand on her shoulder. She was so tiny with blonde hair and grey eyes just like Tristan,they would make really beautiful babies,I thought to myself.

"Yes,I am ,I'm going to work " I responded.

"Oh , alright,meet Susan ,Susan meet Laura ,my neighbor" he introduced us . I wished he had stated his relationship with the little lady.

"Hi Laura,it's nice to meet you" she said smiling and stretching out her hand .

"Hi Susan,it's nice to meet you too" I said , I shook her,she had a gorgeous smile and such delicate fingers.

"Alright,I need to leave now or I'll be late " I said to Tristan.

"Alright,see you around Laura" he said, smiling,I could swear I saw a bit of a smirk there.

"Alright,bye " I said, walking away .


It was finally 8 am and I grabbed my bag and coat and headed out. My shift was over and I couldn't wait to be home ,in my bed. The shift felt extra long and the new asshole of a manager kept everyone on their toes .

The street was already so bubbly with people going about their daily activities. Good for them,I just wanted to get home and sleep away my tiredness.

I finally got home and dragging myself up seemed like a chore but I finally made it .There were voices coming from Tristan's flat. I got to my flat and quickly got in . I took a shower,brushed my teeth and went straight to bed .

I woke up feeling much better after sleeping for about six hours straight. I got up and headed to my kitchen to make something to eat. I made waffles and chicken with fries because a girl was hungry!

I remembered that I wanted making a welcome cake for Tristan and I was about to start when a thought stopped me. What if his girlfriend would be there when I took it to him? Ugh! Would they think I was doing too much or just being a nice neighbor .

Whatever,they could think anything they wanted too,I love to bake and making a little cake for a new neighbor as a welcome gift shouldn't be a big of a deal anyways. I proceeded to make my signature strawberry and vanilla combo cake,it never failed

I was done with the cake in a little over an hour and I cleaned up before taking it out. I knocked on Tristan's door ,I could hear his voice and someone else's,it sounded like Susan and they were laughing . She must really make him happy,I thought to myself.

He finally opened the door after I knocked the second time .

"Oh ,hi Laura " he said , smiling,his eyes glistening.

"Hi, Tristan,I made you a cake,a little welcome gesture " I said, handing it over to him.

"Wow,thank you,I appreciate it" he said and took it from me , his smile was even bigger.

"You're welcome,it's nothing " I said ,I could feel the color coming to my cheeks .

"It is actually,do you want to come in,we could eat together, Susan is in too" he asked .

"Oh no,I actually have to clean up and do a couple of other stuff" I responded. I was lying,I had already cleaned up and had nothing else to do but binge on my favorite series along but there was no way I was going to sit and eat cake with him and his girlfriend.

"Aww, alright then , thank you again,I'll see you around " he said.

"Okay,bye then " I said and returned to my apartment .

I went back home and settled in to binge on a show. My life was pretty boring,my family lived far away ,my only friend was away for work and I was nursing a heartbreak from my long time ex-boyfriend ,so nothing to do but work , sleep and binge on series.


My life pretty much revolved around the same cycle of work for the next couple of months. Going to work, eating ,binging on shows and even worse , crushing on my neighbor.

I couldn't get him out of my head , even while I was baking which is quite strange because I don't usually think of anything when I'm baking but Tristan's image was stuck in my head 24/7 .

I thought of him every single time, and even before bed which made me want to touch myself. One minute I'd think I'm getting over it and the next ,I see him and the crush is fully alive . And to make matters worse, I always caught him staring and with a silly smirk on his face too.

I heard a knock at the door and went to open it , definitely wasn't expecting anyone.

"Hi Laura" it was Tristan, standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Hi, Tristan, what's up?" I asked.

"Uhm,I wanted to know if you'd like to come over to mine tonight, maybe see a movie and have a few drinks ?"

"Well , I'd like to but......." I paused,no solid excuse coming to mind.

"Laura, please ,I insist" Tristan pushed.

"Alright,I'll see you soon " I said .


"Your place is really nice ,did you have an interior decorator do it?" I asked Tristan.

"Oh no , Susan picked everything out, she's always had an eye for design "

"Oh ,Susan " I said, taking the drink he brought for me.

"Where is she ?" I asked .

"She's back at her place now " Tristan said, trying to pick a movie .

"Ohh" I responded.

" Do you have any friends,don't think I've ever seen anyone come over to see you?" he asked.

" Well,my family don't live here and my best friend is away for work so ,I'm stuck here alone.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked .

"Uhm,we broke up a couple of months ago " I said, looking down.

"I'm sorry about that " Tristan said

"Thanks " I responded in a low voice.

He relaxed into the chair and took my hand in his , rubbing it and smiling at me .

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