

Within the hour the manor house was quiet.

Bingquing's maid told her, she was to be left alone with Ning Ren and handed her a silver knife, "It was a privilege to serve you madam.  The master instructed you to have this so you will not misunderstand his intentions."

She took the knife and found it fit well inside of her nightgown.  It was easy to hide and would be easy to use.  A strange gift for a man to give a woman.  An appropriate gift for a master to give his spy or assassin. 

She felt like a lamb being lead to slaughter as they approached Ning Ren's room.  Everything was dark as the candles had been snuffed out.  That part of the house was vacant of servants and as Ning Fan led her with a torch he seemed conflicted. 

It was nighttime.  Ning Ren had never asked for her this late before.

"Master,"  Ning Fan bowed as he presented Bingquing to Ning Ren.  "Where are all the servants?"

Ning Ren shrugged from the thick blankets he was bundled in.  "Afraid of the assassin."

Ning Fan and Bingquing exchanged glances. 

Ning Ren chortled at their reaction,  "Bring me my cat.  I would like to have her with me."

Binqguing clutched the knife in her gown as she moved towards him.  He opened the blanket and gestured inside.  She gave him a weird look.  He sighed and readjusted the blanket around himself.  He turned to his side and removed a layer of his blanket igloo.  Then he tossed it to her.

"What did you give me a knife for?"

Ning Ren laughed, "So you feel protected from me.  A woman should always fear men as we are the most dangerous animals to you.  You're young."

"I know that."  Qing wrapped the blanket around herself.

"The most dangerous game is one of lovers.  I could explain it to you with patience and with all the honor a man should give a woman.  But we're short on time.  An assassin will come through the door, pretend as if you are my lover with all the trappings of female fear and you will live to see the next day.  The knife is if you wish to stab me when it's all over because it's fair.  I'm deliberately putting you in harms way--"

Binqguing swallowed.  "Why did you not use one of the maids and send me off to Jungpi?"

"One already got stabbed."

Bingquing made a choked sound and huddled next to Ning Ren who shook the bed with his soft laughter.  "I'm afraid that I'm going to have to put my arm around your head."

The arm was warm as she felt it through the blanket.  He shifted her so she was facing him.  His warm eyes bore into hers and he looked complacent.  The time passed on and Bingquing fell asleep.

Ning Ren pulled her closer.  He removed the wrapping he had given her and pulled her into the circle of his arms.  He froze when she sniffed at his neck and said groggily, "It smells nice here."

"Does it my cat?  I would return the favor, but someone must sleep with an eye open."  He readjusted her with slow deliberate movements so he wouldn't disturb her sleep.  Ning Ren's eye was trained on the door.  He knew Ning Fan was hiding under the bed with a drawn weapon.  He was hidden by a thin piece of fabric.

The hour grew darker as Bingquing's body laying on top of his grew heavier.  Then just as the silence stretched as thin as a string the door was kicked open and a pair of thin bloodied blades were brandished.  The masked soldier in dark clothing landed and slided through the air dramatically.  There was the hilt of an arrow stuck in his soldier and blood dripping splattered on the both of them.

Bingquing woke up and screamed upon seeing the sight of the faceless mask.  The scream was a big exaggerated, but it did serve its purpose as the assassin hesitated.

Ning Ren was about to signal Ning Fan when the assassin removed his mask.

Bingquing grabbed at his shirt and starred in abject confusion.


The face under the mask was fair.  The same eyes, but a crooked nose and sharp features.  The face was squarish from maintaining a stern expression.  The eyes spoke a steely gaze, rather than a mischievous temperament.  He pulled the arrow out of his shoulder and dropped it on the ground.  "I got your greetings."

Ning Ren pulled Bingquing closer so her face was hidden in his shirt.

She wanted more than nothing to look at which prince of Caiwong was the assassin of seeing suns, but knew she could not remain anonymous if she chose to do so.  The vengeance boiled in her blood.  She wanted to use the knife in her gown to strike at him, but knew the blades would slice off her hands before she grew close.

"I'm glad you still enjoy killing my servants."

"Men of the lower status are passive and plenty.  I'm sure when you get to Jungpi your lovely housekeeper will have gotten you ten more.  A nice fun snack for me."

"I hear you are the crown prince?"

Ning Zhuo was the assassin who was looking for the imperial succession decree and had murder the whole Chu household?  The knowledge made her eyes burn with tears.

"I earned it.  Father was saved by me."

"Have you come for tea or to kill me?"

The blade touched the back of Bingquing who yelled in pain as the prince drew blood.  The stream dripped down and soaked the bed. 

Ning Ren drew her behind him.  Bingquing burst into sobs and hid her face into his back. 

"All these years and I thought you were one who preferred the taste of the passion of the cut sleeve."

Ning Ren sat up straighter and gestured around.  "I am alone with a woman.  I just prefer to do it without prying eyes and wagging tongues.  As I'm sure you are aware are my usual methods."

"Uncle told you to buy a concubine.  I heard such a rumor.  If you would like to share her, we should do so in Jungpi where I will hope we can both expand our harems."

"Why did you come here, Ning Zhuo?"

"I just wanted to see if my little brother who was banished to the border was really just as pathetic as he was as a little boy.  It's not your death itself that will bring me the most joy brother, it's the leisure of doing it whenever I want.  I could kill you year one into my reign or maybe poison your sons one by one.  The anguish would be so delicious."

"Dear brother, to have this talk in front of a young woman."

"Oh . . . I marked her, so I can find her easy when you forget her."

Bingquing froze as she realized his intention.

"She's a flower yet to blossom.  I'd like to taste her when she does."

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