
Chapter 6

It had already been days since Eleanor was brought to the mysterious world of Ceastrerion, and she had been relying entirely on Asmia's information and knowledge. Eleanor began to have doubts about everything. Her heart wouldn't stop racing every night. She felt as if she was being suffocated. When she wakes up in the morning, she often breaks down in tears as she remembers her family and her life in the world she was accustomed to.

It didn’t matter how beautiful the world was, it was too different from her life, living with her own family and friends. Every time she remembers that she’s alone in a strange place with an old woman she barely knew, she feels lonely. Making Ceastrerion her home wasn’t enough for her because she knows she doesn’t belong there.

Eleanor's mind was wandering somewhere else, not absorbing what the old lady was telling her, as she stared at a stack of various types of leaves on the kitchen table. Eleanor's mood had suddenly changed, and Asmia seemed to notice.

"Eli? Is there anything I'm saying that you don't understand?" Asmia attempted to capture her attention.

Eleanor didn't know she was being called for a long time. She blinked twice before returning her gaze to Asmia, who was staring at her with concern.

"Uhm, I beg your pardon?" she apologized, thinking that she had upset the old lady by not paying attention. She was completely lost in her thoughts.

"Goodness, are you all right?" Asmia asked, who reached out her hand to touch Eleanor’s arm. But as her hands was about to touch her arm, Eleanor flinched because of the open wounds that hadn’t seemed to heal ever since she got there.

"I was just thinking about something." She excused herself, avoiding the gaze of the old lady who had noticed the way she reacted. Asmia reached for the cuff of Eleanor’s sleeves and lifted them, revealing her wounds.

"How come you didn't tell me you were hurt?" she asked, concerned as she examined the wounds. It had become infected and was rapidly deteriorating.

"Why? Are the wounds that bad?" Eleanor was puzzled, as she also examined the wounds that appeared to be typical for her.

"Yes, it is. Perhaps you were wounded by a Dresiur, a dangerous wood-like creature that can be found throughout the forest. If this is not treated, it could cause you to have hallucinations and it will be triggering your desires, leading you to your own death." While getting a basin and towel from the cupboards, she said this seriously. Eleanor sat there, bewildered, staring at Asmia.

"Knowing that you've always bathed in Beasurys Lake, they should have healed by now if they were ordinary wounds. The water in the lake only helps in the healing of wounds inflicted by non-poisonous creatures." She continued to explain while gently dabbing her skin with a wetted clean cloth.

Eleanor remained quiet as the old lady wrapped a piece of fabric around her arms.

"It is not enough to remove the acid of the Dresiur. I must go out to find the herb that removes this kind of poison. Therefore, you must patiently wait here for me." While picking up a basket and putting the cloak on, Asmia spoke to her.

The door closed as the wind blew, leaving Eleanor alone in the chair. Her head was too foggy to think, and she was still not getting a grip on everything. She finally stood up after a minute of staring into space, headed towards the second-floor ladder.

She walked over to her bed, laid down, and closed her eyes till the darkness swallowed her entire consciousness, falling asleep peacefully.

*     *     *     *     *

Eleanor was startled awake by the sound of something crashing against the cabin's walls. Her heart was racing as she sat in the room, looking around but seeing nothing. She got up, walked up to the window, and peered out at the darkening skies and the forest that was slowly being engulfed by the darkness.

It must already be six pm. She thought about it.

As she breathed deeply, she noticed something in the reflection in the window glass. Her eyes widened and her heart rushed at a fast pace. A man’s silhouette stood not far away from her. When she turned around to see the man’s face, she was shocked as she stared at her boyfriend, Lucas, standing in front of her.

"L-Lucas..." she murmured shakily; her eyes filled with tears as she realized she hadn't seen him in a month.

Eleanor was at a loss for what to do. She just stood there, unsure if she should run up to him and hug him. Lucas, on the other hand, simply glanced at her before turning away and descending the ladder.

"Lucas, wait." She tried to stop him, but she didn’t get an answer from him. Instead, he turned around and beckoned her to follow him.

Eleanor found herself unconsciously following him. She found herself outside, wandering through the trees, following Lucas through the dark forest, trusting him no matter where they would end up.

Eleanor noticed that keeping up with Lucas was becoming more difficult as time passed while they were walking. She was on the verge of losing him. She was now racing behind him, calling out his name, but he wouldn't turn around.

After a few minutes of running, she felt her breath running out as she grew tired of chasing him, so she stopped to calm down and relax her breathing.

Lucas had entirely vanished from her view as she looked around. Fear gripped her chest as she realized she was lost in the woods and had no idea where she was.

A woman's voice murmured, "Eleanor..."

She turned to her left, but there was no one there, and she could hear her own deep breaths.

"Eleanor…" this time, a man’s voice whispered.

She turned around to see who was speaking and saw two people emerge from the darkness. When Eleanor saw her mother and father standing in front of her, tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't mind if they were staring at her with blank expressions on their faces.

"Mom, Dad..." she sobbed uncontrollably and cried her heart out.

It was too exhausting for her to think of them, being so far away. Knowing she was too lost was painful every day. All of this feels like a dream to her, one that she both wants to stay in and one that she wants to wake up from.

Eleanor rushed over to them and locked them in a tight embrace, knowing she will not be able to do that for a while now. She remained in that position for several minutes, hugging two motionless figures, yet she was at peace.

"Eleanor, stay away from those creatures." From behind her, she heard a voice.

She hoped she could, but she couldn't. No, not yet.

"No," she replied firmly, tears streaming down her face. She was silently crying.

"Listen to what I'm saying." The voice said calmly.

"They’re draining the life out of you. You must get away from them, and only you have the ability to do so. It is all up to you. Eleanor, make a wise decision."

Eleanor looked up to see that her mother and father, whom she was hugging, were also looking at her.

"Someday, I'll see both of you again. I'll keep my word." She smiled briefly before stepping away from the two of them, closing her eyes as she did so.

She took a few long breaths before opening her eyes to discover two monsters in front of her that resembled a little tree. It was made up of massive branches and veins that sucked the blood from her wounds.

Eleanor was in horrible pain in her arms as she pulled the veins from her flesh. She looked sadly at Asmia, who was looking at her with sympathy.

Asmia then turned to face the unmoving beings and raised both arms. Eleanor was taken aback when she noticed a ray of light emanating from Asmia's palms. She whispered something beneath her breath that Eleanor couldn't understand, then launched a swift sphere-shaped light that struck the two figures.

Eleanor remained stunned, staring at the location where the monsters were standing and seeing nothing but smoke rising from the ground.

"H-how?" she stammered, but Asmia simply smiled back at her.

"I haven’t told you that some of us too, have special powers." She walked to Eleanor with the basket she left on the ground. "These are the medications you require. I apologize for leaving you alone and putting you in danger." She said it while shaking her head slowly, unable to look Eleanor in the eyes.

"It's alright. It is not your fault." Eleanor smiled a little, attempting to alleviate the old lady's guilt.

"We have to return home. It is already dark in here. Other creatures might be lurking around." Asmia began to walk while Eleanor trailed behind.

Eleanor felt safe enough to accompany her after hearing the word "home." For the time being, this is her home. She'll have to put up with it until she figures out how to get back to her actual world and family.

As they returned to the cabin, Asmia prepared a dinner while Eleanor sat on the couch, closed her eyes and waited for her to finish because the old lady suggested she do so.

"Here, it is done." She finally said something, then went over to Eleanor to assist her in standing up and walking into the table. Eleanor was on the point of drooling as she looked at the food that had been prepared for her.

"Wow, I had no idea that you would prepare this much." She said this while glancing at the varieties of dishes presented in front of her.

"You must consume these foods in order to replenish your energy, as you have already lost too much blood. This tea is called Elluis, and it helps in the development of improved blood flow. This should be consumed before eating." She hands her a cup of freshly brewed tea. Eleanor smelled the aroma of the tea before sipping. It had a sweet and bitter taste, but the bitter taste remained more distant.

Asmia prepared the medicine Eleanor needed to cleanse the acid from her wounds after she finished eating. The leaves of the blue-green herb were used to cover each of her arms' wounds. The old lady bowed her head and touched her arms after applying all of the leaves, muttering words under her breath like she had done earlier. Eleanor just stood there in amazement as the leaves began to glow.

"It will help the leaves to stay on your skin for a longer period of time." Asmia explained and began cleaning up the items she had used.

"Thank you very much for your help. I wouldn't have been able to do anything if you hadn't been here." Eleanor expressed her sincere gratitude.

"Of course, there is." With a smile, the old lady stated.

She was perplexed, trying to figure out what Asmia meant when she said those words. Eleanor walked upstairs to sleep when the old lady bid her good night. Eleanor often noticed the old lady knitting or crocheting near the fireplace, where she slept on the sofa-bed near the window.

Eleanor drifted to sleep as soon as she felt the smooth cushion of the pillow on her head, as she felt the exhaustion of her body.

*     *     *     *     *

Eleanor was awoken by a bright light at the dawn of morning, unable to open her eyes. She cautiously opened her eyes after a minute and saw the dark second floor. She got up and tiptoed towards the ladder, trying not to make a sound, and went down to find out that Asmia was nowhere to be found.

Knowing that they only use lanterns and candles to illuminate the cabin at night, seeing a light that bright was very strange. It had to be Asmia, but where could she have gone in such a short period of time?

She returned upstairs, curious as to where Asmia had gone so early and the source of that light that she witnessed earlier.

Eleanor stayed awake till the sun came up that morning, staring at the wooden ceiling and wondering how many more mysteries there were in the world she was brought into.


Hi everyone! Dresiur is pronounced as dri-si-yur, Beasurys- be-ya-su-ris, Elluis- el-yu-wis. That's all~ Thank you for reading and have a good day.

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