
An Apology Note

Dear [Reader],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to extend my sincerest apologies for the delay in releasing the next chapters of [CEOs Play Thing]. I understand and deeply regret any frustration or disappointment this may have caused you.

I want to be transparent with you about the reason behind the delay. Over the past few months, I have been grappling with significant mental health challenges. These struggles have affected my ability to focus and maintain the creative momentum needed to produce new chapters of the book. It has been a difficult period, and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it has caused you as a reader.

I want to assure you that I have sought professional help and support to address my mental health issues. Through therapy, self-care practices, and the unwavering support of loved ones, I am grateful to say that I am now in a much better place mentally and emotionally.

With that said, I am fully committed to completing [CEOs Play Thing] and delivering the remaining chapters as promised. I have set a revised timeline for the release of the upcoming chapters, and I am dedicated to adhering to it diligently. The new chapters will be released starting [11th March, 2024], with subsequent releases following at regular intervals thereafter.

I understand that my shortcomings have tested your patience, and for that, I am truly sorry. Your support and understanding during this challenging time mean the world to me. I am deeply grateful for your continued interest in [CEOs Play Thing] and for standing by me during this journey.

Thank you for your understanding, patience, and unwavering support. I am committed to making it up to you through the quality and timeliness of the forthcoming chapters. Please know that your encouragement motivates me to strive for excellence in my writing.

Warmest regards,

[18th Studios.]





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