
48 Goodbye Parker

His eyebrows crinkled when he realised that his declaration of love wasn't affecting me the way it should. I was sad for him. He looked very desperate. I would have married him in a heartbeat if Matt was not in the picture. I was very much indebted to him. He helped me get out of my shell and be the Meredith I am today.

"I want you to forget me and move on like I did", I said finally.

"Matt? You still believe that he cares for you. I didn't want to tell you this initially. But you left me with no choice. Here is it come on read it", he said giving me a small magazine. He rolled his eyes when I looked at it absurdly. Did he want me to read Business Times now? He quickly took it from my hands turned several pages and shoved it to me. I saw there was a small news article about Matt. It was about a vineyard and a takeover. I watched it confused.

"Your husband wants to buy this vineyard. It is in France. He is going to extend his business into hospitality as well. Pierre the owner of this
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