
Chapter Thirty-Two

In ten minutes Brooklyn was ready to go and see her twin. She sat in the reception room waiting for Nikolas. Although she knew where the outhouse was, she didn’t have the courage to go alone after Nikolas had warned her not to. After a few minutes, Nikolas walked out in his work outfit, and Brooklyn couldn’t help but check him out. His muscular frame was well covered in the black formal suit he wore and if she hadn’t seen him semi-naked, she would never have known how well endowed he really was! A deep blush stained her cheeks at the sinful thoughts that invaded her mind. 

“Ready?” he asked, coming to a halt in front of her, his piercing gaze hooked upon her. Brooklyn looked up into his eyes and found a strange expression reflected in them, the one she had seen before as well. It was gone in a split second before she could decipher what exactly it was. 

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goodnovel comment avatar
...Nice to read this

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