
3 ☆☆Strip!!

Chapter 3

Nikolai was outside the room, standing in the hallway when his Beta, Alex, arrived.

"Alpha, is there anything wrong with the she-wolf? We can always have her returned" he meaningfully suggested to him.

Alex noticed the displeased looks on his face and that forced him to ask his master about his encounter.

Nikolai looked at him coldly, "I never complained about her." He said briefly.

"Have her prepared and sent to my mansion" he declared and he left, handing his coat on his shoulders.

When Nikolai arrived at his car which was parked outside the auction house, he rushed inside to sit and calm his nerves as the unidentifiable feeling increased in him.

He placed his hand in his chest, feeling his heartbeat faster as though it wanted to burst out of his chest.

‘She is our Mate, nikolai.’ Aiden, his wolf explained to him.

Nikolai knew and recognized the feeling he felt but he never expected it to happen to him now, not at this time when he already gave up on the heist of finding his Mate.

For so many years he remained unmated and now, he suddenly finds his mate at an auction house today. What was that supposed to mean? Is the moon goddess playing some kind of a joke on him?

Nikolai shook his head before he spoke.

"We have to reject her" he declared and a sharp pain hit him in his head. Aiden disagreed with his words about them rejecting their mate.

‘No, we definitely can't do that. You know how long we've both waited for this day to come. We can't reject our mate, Niko' Aiden declared.

Nikolai was frustrated and he punched the middle of his steering wheel hard and his fist went through. Finding his mate was supposed to be a joyous moment for him but right now he wasn't pleased. Not only did he find her in an auction hall but she was also an Omega wolf.

How can an almighty Alpha like him have an Omega as a Mate? Even though he wanted her to be his badly, would his pack be able to accept Lily as his Luna? And omega?

As Nikolai drove out of the compound, his thoughts went back to Lily and he instantly became uncomfortable.

Meanwhile at that same time, Lily had been taken by Beta Alex and he led her towards the car that alpha Nikolai had prepared In order to convey her to his mansion.

As Lily followed Beta Alex from behind, she thought about running away and escaping but she was still in the premises of the auction house and could still be caught by them, or to make it worse, another dangerous werewolf might take her away with him.

Lily decided to follow Beta Alex and escape from wherever he took her to.

As they went into the car, Lily felt uncomfortable but beta Alex made sure that she was free. He asked her to sit in the front so that she could have a view of the road as they drove to Alpha Nikolai's mansion.

Lily looked outside the car, allowing the fresh evening breeze to coat her face. She felt free and at the same time caged.

She had just been bought by a strange Alpha who she didn't know what plans he had for her.

Even though she planned on escaping, Lily couldn't tell if it would even work.

Since he paid that much for her, Lily knew that her life would never be easy from now on.

The moment they arrived at the villa, Lily was led by Beta Alex into the mansion. As they arrived in the living room, Lily couldn't help but gaze around as she was amazed by the beauty of the place. She couldn't get her eyes off the luxurious designs, everything in the house looked so expensive.

The size of the living room was enormous. It was two times the size of her father's loving room.

Lily was lost staring, Beta Alex allowed her to feed her eyes for a while before he beckoned to her.

"Shall we?" He questioned her and she answered quickly.

As she followed him upstairs, Lily couldn't help but still gaze around the place. For someone who paid $60 million to have her, his abode didn't surprise her at all.

Beta Alex led Lily to one of the bedrooms, even though it wasn't the one they planned to assign to her. This was a temporary one she had to sleep in for the night.

As they went inside, Lily stared directly at the gigantic bed in the middle of the room. The room was also luxuriously looking.

She carefully surveyed it and noticed that it was barely used. The furniture was new too.

"Your room for the night. Please feel free to request anything. A maiden will come to attend to you soon" beta Alex declared and left.

Lily was speechless when he heard his words. She just thanked him and watched him leave.

Lily walked briskly towards the bed and she laid on it. It was so soft and comfortable, she didn't want to get down.

Back at her pack, she was made to sleep on the cold marble floor several times. Lily barely had the opportunity to own and sleep on a bed.

She was excited, but then reality struck her. She shouldn't get too comfortable with their hospitality because she isn't aware of what they planned to do to her.

Lily closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Since the beta had left, it was now her chance to escape from the place. Earlier when they came in, she barely saw anyone in the mansion, not even a single guard was guarding the place when they came in— so she could easily escape once she found her way out.

As Lily stood up from the bed, she suddenly heard a loud knock on the door and she jerked immediately.

"Who's that?" She asked.

She thought that Beta Alex had gone, what did he come here for again?

Just after Lily asked who it was, the door was slowly pushed open and a maiden walked inside.

She suddenly recalled that the beta had informed her about a maiden who would come in to attend to her.

The maid approached her with a box in her hands.

Lily watched her drop the items on the bed.

"Hello ma'am" the maiden greeted her.

"What are these?" Lily asked as she carefully surveyed the items on the bed with her eyes.

"They are fresh clothes asked to be delivered to you to buy the Alpha himself" the maiden explained in detail as she carefully unboxed the items for her to inspect Incase she didn't trust her.

Lily watched the maid bring out the comfortable looking nightwear and undies from the box. Immediately she sighted her bring out a g-string pant, Lily caught her hand. "It's fine, you don't have to bring them all outside" she said reassuring her.

The maiden looked at her and understood what she meant by it.

Lily's face flushed pink in embarrassment as the maiden noticed her shame.

The maid instantly withdrew her and composed herself.

"I'll be leaving now. Call me if you need anything. My name is Ines" she stated.

"Thank you, Ines" Lily replied to her and she watched her leave. As soon as Ines closed the door, Lily locked it up immediately.

She looked around the huge bedroom. She shouldn't allow the luxury to get into her head and make her abandon her plans of running away. Lily moved towards the bed and checked properly the clothes that were bought for her to change into.

She had to go out in disguise and these dresses didn't do justice to that.

She quickly searched and picked up one of the dresses in the box. A blood long plain gown, Lily looked at it disgustedly.

If the dress was selected by Alpha Nikolai himself then his fashion sense sucked.

Lily tore the dress into a shorter one.

Perfect! She exclaimed as she put it on, watching herself in the mirror. Lily is skilled in climbing and the dress could let her climb down the building.

Lily already calculated how high the mansion was, it was not impossible for her to climb down.

She immediately went towards the window and began to climb. Just when she made a move, Lily heard the door of the room she had just left open.

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