
Chapter 6


I have been presented this particular document countless times but, I was taking pains to read it again because of formality sake.

My inner spirit wanted to throw the documents back at him but he had done what I wanted him to do for me.

I was reading the documents thoroughly when something struck my mind.

How could I have forgotten such a thing and gone ahead to read his stupid documents?

I almost slammed my hand against my head but I held myself. He should not see me doing this. I bet a lot of things would go through his mind.

“I forgot something,” I blurted out after clearing my throat of anything that would obstruct my talking.

“And that is?” He asked, staring blankly at me. His face has fallen with frustration eating deep into it. He had no idea what I was going to say next.

But, I was glad. I was not in any way making this easy for him.

This time, he was already on his feet, all his kneeling act had come to an end because to him, he had gotten what he wanted from me.

“Oh, what a dummy,” I lamented and locked, although not to his hearing.

He thought he was smart but I was going to show him that the woman who he dealt with years back was far smarter than he is.

Before he thinks he can play me like a toy, I would have played him countless times. I am now a pro in this.

“This can't work,” I suddenly said and he gasped, widening his mouth in surprise.

That came like a thunderbolt, hitting him straight to his chest.

“What can't work? I…I…do not understand,” he stammered and I yawned, getting bored of the whole conversation.

“I have done everything you asked me to do. I have signed the documents. I have…,” he started listing everything he has done and then, paused as if he remembered something.

“Or, is there a phrase in the document that you do not like? I can change it because of you. I would do anything to have you back,” he said, his words running rapidly out of his mouth like a spoiled tap.

“Have me back, excuse me?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

This man is such a lunatic. Nothing but a fucking lunatic. I was so irritated by his words that I almost grabbed my bag to leave.

“I'm sorry. I meant that I would do anything for you to be the top designer of triple A,” he corrected himself, almost burying his head in shame.

Even where I was I was wrapped in shame because of what he said.

“I apologize.”

I hated it when he said that word. I knew deep down that he knew what he was doing. He just wants to play smart but, indirectly I keep seeing him as a dumb person.

I do not know what his plans are but all I know is that I am very capable of trampling on his plans. I will destroy whatever he thinks that he has made up and he will regret it.

“Don't be silly, Ethan. I won't remind you again. The next time you bring up such a thing, that marks the beginning of the end of our agreement,” I warned him and he saw that I meant business.

“I understand. It won't happen again.”

I brought out my lip gloss and applied it on my already dry lips. I wanted my lips to continue being wet and glossy, no amount of stress was going to make me look tired.

“You talked about something. Can I know what it is and if it is something that I can correct? Work needs to start as soon as possible and like I said, you are the one we want to work with,” he said.

“It's quite simple. I forgot that I wanted that swine called Ravenna to work as my assistant,” I informed him, while playing with my fingers.

That was just part of my revenge plan. I Never wanted Ravenna to go Scot free from whatever pain she has done to be.

I called Ravenna a swine deliberately because I wanted to see how he would react. I was right. His countenance changed upon hearing me refer to her as a swine and he swallowed his saliva, not utter a word.

If he agrees, I will be able to use her however I like. And that will include maltreating her. All that power is what I will get if she is placed under me.

“Ravenna?” he asked as if he was deaf.

“You heard me right. I want her as my assistant. Mind you if you do not agree to this, I will as well thrash this,” I threatened, holding up his document.

His eyeballs shook in fear and he exhaled deeply.

“This is hard. Please, reconsider,” he pleaded with me and I laughed.

“Reconsider? Do I even know what that word means?” I asked him and he just watched me, stone frozen.

“It's quite easy if I may say. I need her as my assistant. That is all.”

“I know you may see it as something easy but, Raveena may not buy this idea,” he responded with utmost sincerity.

“Oh, you care about what she thinks, huh?” I asked, battling my eyelids.

He still has a soft spot for that girl who was nothing but a man snatcher. How sorrowful. I wished he could be saved.


“You what?” I asked, demanding answers from him but nothing reasonable came out of his mouth and I rose from my seat, ready to go.

I have spent a lot of time negotiating with him and I was tired. I was a busy woman and I have a lot of things to set right than to remain here and exchange words with this good for nothing man.

“I guess I was wrong. I always thought your company was your number one interest. I never knew that she came first.”

With those words, I found my way to the door, flinging it up. Just when I was about, shutting it loudly against me. I heard him say.

“I accept. Ravenna will work as your assistant.”

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