

I woke again as Chase and a man with kind eyes and a doctor’s bag walked in.

“Hi”, I said, as they walked to me.

“Lyse, this is Doctor Jamison. He’s going to take a look to see what can be done to speed your healing. Doctor Jamison, this is Lyse.”, Chase introduced.

“Ma’am, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”, he regarded me with a smile and twinkle in his eyes.

“Please, just Lyse. Ma’am makes me sound like I’m my mother or something.”, I grinned, and winced at the same time.

He looked to Chase for the flash of a second and I noticed Chase giving him an almost imperceptible nod.

“I’ve been filled in a bit, but I’d like to hear from you and see what we’re dealing with here.”, he said, unzipping his bag.

“Well, uh, we went for a run tonight and everything was great. Until we got to the flower fields.”, I began, the doctor waiting patiently for me to continue.

“I stopped, waiting, and then out of nowhere, a black wolf with the deepest red eyes I’ve ever seen came charging toward me. I ran back
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