

I answered the knock that came, glad that my mate was getting looked at. I was more than concerned at her lack of healing.

I opened the door to find Dr. Jamison, bag in hand and a look of concern creasing his brow.

“Your Roy-”, he began,

I cut him off. “Dr. Jamison, thank you for coming so late.”, I said quickly.

“Of course, Sir. Now why am I here? Are you injured?”

I glanced back to see that Lyse was dozing off, and gestured for the doctor to step further into the hall.

He looked at me with some confusion. “Is everything alright?”

“No. I just wanted to fill you in on a few things before you head in.”, I said.

“Of course.”, he replied, looking at me expectantly.

I didn’t miss what the look of confusion meant as he kept glancing at the doors that my mother used to live behind.

“We’ve been having a problem with what seems to be a rogue pack on the borders. Most of the pack is aware of this as we have warned everyone to stay in groups and keep an eye out as they go about their daily busi
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