
Under bondage

Scarlett groaned as she forced her heavy eyelids open. Her vision was blurry for a while before everything came into focus. Scarlett winced and shut her eyes as the white light above her came into view, it was blinding but in that little moment of concentration, she could tell that she was not in her room at Alex's house. She did not have that kind of light above her bed.

With her eyes closed, she could hear little beeping sounds and smell the disinfectant in the room. She needed no one to tell her that she was in the hospital, but what for?

She thought deeply and everything came back to her like a flashback in a movie. Her eyes flew open when she remembered that she was bleeding before she passed out and woke up now.

Scarlett lifted her hand and placed it on her stomach, her racing heart immediately slowed down its beat when she felt her bump. The bump was still there, and she was still alive, it could only mean that her and her baby were fine, Scarlett sighed in relief.

Where was L
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