

A loud chime of bells awakened Charlie and Jessica. Her heart pounded in her chest. Realizing it was only Charlie's phone alarm she settled down. Rolling over, Charlie picked up his phone. He had forgotten he had set his alarm for four o clock.

Jessica rubbed her eyes and yawned. She was still tired. She could feel a dull ache in her tummy but ignored it.

Rolling out of bed she went into the shower and dressed in her clothes from yesterday.

The storm has blown over and the morning air was warm. It was mid winter and the sun would only rise after six o clock.

They sat in silence, neither of them finding the words. Jessica looked out the window into the darkness. There was not a soul in sight. The trees whistled as they drove by, swaying in the breeze.

Jessica thought of a horror movie she watched.

The darkness surrounded them.

Jessica felt deep regret.

The memory of Mark's shameful act had been erased from her memory.

The guilt was knawing at her. Peice by peice, little by little,
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