

The clock struck two and Jessica almost ran out if work. Holding the tickets in her hand she whizzed past the office ladies, into the elevator.

She was so excited, she forgot to say good bye to her boss. But she didn't have to, she would be seeing him all weekend.

"All weekend with his wife", she rolled her eyes as she got into her car.

She stopped at the school and fetched Ally, telling her about the weekend away.

Ally screamed with joy. Her hands fluttered in the air in tights fists.

They both raced to the door. As they burst through the front door, Rudy stood in the passage with bags packed.

He stared at them as they were hunched over trying to catch their breaths.

"Hluhluwi, here we come", Rudy said as he waved a paper in his hand.

Jessica looked at the paper in her hand. It was for a five star resort in Suncity. She grabbed the paper from his hand and looked it over. Three star resort in Mpumalanga.

"I have been gifted a five star weekend stay in Suncity",she said gloating, "Can
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