
140. Everything Else To Plan.

Elysia's pov

I feel his presence from where I’m standing, he fills the air with his full authority, and I feel it with every breath I take.

A petite woman runs quietly behind him, a clipboard in her hands. She stays just a few feet behind him and looks like a model.

Once his face is away from the spotlight, his features are finally visible. His chin is chiseled and smooth, and his hands rest in his pocket as he stands like he’s modeling himself.

He holds himself with more grace than all of us combined, and all eyes are on him. He knows it, but he doesn’t seem affected by it.

He takes a special seat reserved for him. Everyone is set in motion and ready to walk, but my eyes are stuck on him for a reason.

He is handsome.

He looks like the man who will make you do anything just by looking at you.

The woman in charge addresses us again; I snap my eyes away from him to focus on her.

“Now that Mr. Black is here, we can begin,” she says.

She rattles off instructions about numbers, but I can’
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