

“Come here,” he stretched his hands to me as he settled on a sofa in his office. I hesitated but all he had to do was give me one stern look and I scurried towards him and took his outstretched arm. A yelp escaped my lips when he pulled me to sit on his laps, his hands narrowing around my waist and his head settling between my neck.

I held my breath as he breathed me in, wondering what the hell had come over him. One minute he was boiling like a volcano ready to erupt, and the next he had me straddled against his laps, breathing me in. When he pulled back to look into my eyes, I noticed his eyes were not their usual blue but had now taken a deeper shade, and his next words threw me off guard.

“Kiss me,” he commanded with an unbelievably deep voice. His command washed over me like a tide, my heart slamming heavily against my chest. I moistened my dry lips with my tongue as my eyes settled on his waiting lips.

“What?” I blinked, my heart rate picking up.

“You did it once, don’t act
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