
His other half.


I sat down on my bed feeling dejected at what had just happened. I had always thought that Dylan was a man of his word and that he wouldn't go back on anything that he had said or promised, but I guess that I was wrong. He was just like the rest of them. I was assuming that he was a bit different but no, he still had the same ego, the same pride, and was too full of himself.

I took off my clothing and decided to have my shower. When I was done, I got under the covers of my bed and pulled the duvet over my naked body and remained like that. Minutes passed but I didn't move an inch, neither did I get up from that position. Dylan's words had hurt me and I was not about to pretend that it hadn't. He was the last person that I expected to say those words to me, or maybe I expected so much from him.

This was why you never trust men and steered clear from them. I didn't blame him though. I blamed my parents who were selfish and heartless enough to marry off their only daughter to this e
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