
The way to heal her.


"Iris?" I rushed toward her and crouched to the ground right next to her. I carried her into my arms and shook her desperately. Her eyes were snapped shut, and that was when I noticed that she was burning up. I drew her closer to myself so that my body would keep her warm.

"Iris! Don't you mess with me and wake up right now!" I called out to her, begging and pleading for her to open up her eyes, but she wouldn't. She couldn't.

"Send for the pack's physician right this instant!" I ordered in a loud voice. "If he doesn't arrive in the next twenty minutes, I swear to the goddess that he will crawl all the way home." I threatened, and the guards stormed off. Gently picking her up, I carried her in bridal style and made my way toward my bedroom. I placed her on the bed and took off her attire till she was left in her undergarments.

"You stubborn woman!" I mumbled under my breath. "You just couldn't wait to finish me off that you had to do this, right? Or did you think that I was easi
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