
The fight

This isn’t going to end well, Hannah thought.

“Hello Jessica, what’s wrong? You look mad, even your hair looks mad, I hope you slept well” Lisa said and Jessica frowned.

“No, I didn’t because there's been the smell of rats since you arrived at this house and it’s making me nauseous, you dirty chihuahua,” Jessica said and Hannah sighed.

“And where is your gigolo, he's not with you this morning. Oh I’m shocked or is he tired of following you around like a pet” Lisa said and Jessica Clenched her fist.

“He’s not a gigolo and I would remind you again, I’m married. Not everyone is a whore like you who sleeps around with men they make eye contact with” Jessica said and Lisa gritted her teeth.

“There are kids here” Hannah muttered and they both composed themselves immediately.

Mellisa stared at Jessica and then looked away with a look of fear on her face. Jessica was looking so scary at that moment and she could chop off Lisa’s head at that moment if she could.

The octuplets stared at Meliss
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