
What kind of mother are you?

“What are you talking about?-“ he said with the look of confusion on his face and Jessica felt more pain in her heart. He was pretending not to know what she was talking about.

“I know you didn’t go to see your aunt today, you went to see the Chairman of GTB publishing company at a restaurant, and you lied to me-“

“Are you following me now?” He asked and she stared at him looking speechless.

“Is that what you gonna say, if I’m following you? You fucking lied to me. You lied about having an aunt or a family here in Atlanta, you lied about your identity, you lied about the fact that you are a reporter, you lied about everything” she yelled and he stared at her with a look of surprise on his face wondering how she found out about all of this.

He's been caught, damn!! He thought.

“Jessica you are getting it all wrong, I can explain,” he said and she shook her head and wiped her tears.

“There’s nothing to explain about, I know the truth now. You only came to me because you needed informati
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