
Chapter 24 You Are So Attentive to Du Xiaoxian

Du Xiaoxian got back to the Gu’s mansion at about six o'clock in the afternoon. Although Gu Nianbin wanted her to stay in the hospital one more night for further observation, Du Xiaoxian refused. Now that doctor said she was okay, then what was the use of staying in the hospital? Besides, she was afraid that the medical expense would be extremely high if she stayed overnight. It was unnecessary to spend money like this.

After she was back to the Gu's mansion, Du Xiaoxian received special care, which made her increasingly uneasy. With only minor wounds on the head, she was able to work as usual. But her ladyship insisted that she should rest and asked others to prepare some nutritious food for her. She recognized that it was bird's nest and knew it was too precious for her to eat. How could she eat it? This was not something for a maid.

She blushed and tried to refuse. Her ladyship was more determined, however, sitting by the bed to urge her to eat it up. At that moment, Gu Nianbin came in to break the dilemma. Du Xiaoxian compromised readily when he slightly frowned at her. To her, the young master was quite formidable when he didn't smile.

Fang Yaru was content to see that Du Xiaoxian ate up the bird's nest. She favored the little girl, who didn't talk much but was dedicated to her work. She swept the yard so clean that even the master, Gu Guangxian, mentioned it several times.

Fang Yaru took a package from the butler Xiao Bonian and said to Du Xiaoxian, "Xiaoxian, this is for you as a token of gratitude. Take it and buy some snacks."

Not knowing what was in it, Du Xiaoxian took it and looked inside. It was a thick stack of notes. She was shocked with a quiver of her hands. She didn't have any concept of money and therefore couldn't tell how much money there was, only wondering that it must be enough to buy her.

She immediately gave the money back like she was throwing away a scorching potato and shook her head. "No, my lady, I can't take this money. I had only some scratches and the doctor said I was fine. The young master had already bought me fruits and snacks in the hospital, so I can't…"

"Xiaoxian, you must take it. It was much more than scratches, and you bled a lot. You need some time to recover. Anyway, you were injured because of us. We would feel uneasy if you didn’t take this money."

No matter what the lady said, Du Xiaoxian refused to accept the money. She even felt uneasy for the fruits and snacks given by the young master, how could she take the money?

Seeing that his mother was unable to persuade Du Xiaoxian, Gu Nianbin took the money and said, "Mom, could you get out for a moment. I will talk to her."

Fang Yaru knew that her son was quite a master of negotiation that he might persuade Du Xiaoxian into accepting the money. Anyhow, Du Xiaoxian got injured for them. She would feel uneasy if she couldn't get Du Xiaoxian take the money.

After the room was clear, Gu Nianbin sat down and looked at the bandage on her head. "Does it still hurt?"

Du Xiaoxian blinked her big eyes. "No, Sir. You asked the same question at noon. The pain has already disappeared."

How silly the girl was. He was showing concern about her, but she didn't get it.

Gu Nianbin took the money out of the package and spread it on the bed, asking her, "You don’t like money, do you?"

"Yes." Du Xiaoxian looked down at the money. With money, one could do many things. She guessed nobody would dislike it.

"Then why don't you take it?"

"It's not mine. I can't take it." Du Xiaoxian said seriously. "My Mom said that a noble person would make money in a right way."

"Is your mother a teacher?" Gu Nianbin laughed.

Du Xiaoxian shook her head, "No, but she read a lot and knew many things. She could even read poetry. But my second aunt said reading was the root of my mother's bad fortune. Reading too much books was not good for girls, because they would dream bigger. The bigger dreams are, the tougher the life will be. But my Mom didn't agree. She told me to read more, learn more, and be intelligent and useful. Sir, which one of them on earth is right, my mom or my second aunt?"

Gu Nianbin thought for a while and said, "Both."

"Why?" Du Xiaoxian was bewildered.

"You will understand it in future," said Gu Nianbin. "You said you would like to repay your second aunt. If you took the money, you could buy gifts for her."

Du Xiaoxian’s eyes lit up. The money was beckoning to her. She could buy a lot of gifts for aunt with so much money. But… she pursed her lips and shook her head resolutely.

"I am your master and you have to obey me. Take it as I told you to." Gu Nianbin frowned with impatience, pretending to be tough.

As expected, frightened by his voice, Du Xiaoxian avoided his eyes, but she still shook her head.

She was unexpectedly obstinate and immune to any tactics.

He grabbed Du Xiaoxian's hand and put the money in her hand directly. "If you didn't accept it, my parents would feel upset. Do you want them to feel upset?"

Du Xiaoxian withdrew her hand rapidly. "I would feel upset if I accepted it. Do you want me to feel upset?"

She was quiet in most cases, but she became eloquent now. Gu Nianbin was defeated by her and had no choice but to take back the money and said, "This money is still for you. Then I will keep it for you until you need it someday."

"I don't need much money, Sir. Please take it back."

Du Xiaoxian didn't accept the money regardless of all their efforts. He was a little bit frustrated. He realized that the frail little girl could be quite obstinate in certain cases.

Fang Yaru was surprised at her son's failure, "Did you fail to persuade her?"

Gu Nianbin gave a bitter smile. "She was determined and couldn't be swayed."

"She's honest." Gu Guangxian said, "We must treat her well in the future. It is rare to find a young people like her nowadays."

"I think she's a little stupid." Gu Shanshan disapproved. "Why didn't she take the money? She gets compensation, and we then don't owe her any favor. It's good for both of us. Why not? Only for a good reputation? Who would remember this over time? The little girl is not smart…Shall I go and talk to her?"

"Enough. You are talking nonsense," Gu Nianbin reproached Gu Shanshan softly. "She is simple-minded, not as sophisticated as you. You may mislead her."

"How come I would mislead her simply because I am sophisticated?" Gu Shanshan raised her voice. "I must let her know what benefits oneself and how one survives in the true society. Money is not a panacea but can make you feel safe!"

"No, thanks. Mind your own business." Gu Nianbin spoke in a deep voice with a cold glance.

Gu Shanshan stuck out her tongue and became silent. Although she was indeed reckless, she was also afraid of her brother.

"Dad, Mom, I want to send Du Xiaoxian to school. She's still young and needs further education. I don't want her to be a servant all her life."

"Send her to school?" Fang Yaru hesitated, "Will she accept it? Is it a good way for us to pay our gratitude for her? Will others think differently?"

"I think it's a good idea," Gu Guangxian nodded. "Imparting money-making abilities to her is better than giving her money. Nianbin, do as you like."

"OK, I will arrange everything for her." Gu Nianbin said, "I will find her a school after she recovers."

Gu Shanshan felt weird and glanced at her brother. "Brother, why are you so attentive to Du Xiaoxian?"

"Nonsense." Fang Yaru rolled her eyes at her daughter. "Your brother is trying to show our favor to Du Xiaoxian. I think this is a good idea. People would know our family have always been courteous to servants all these years."

Gu Shanshan grimaced at her mother. "Hypocrites." Then she ran upstairs with laughter.

Gu Guangxian smiled at Fang Yaru, "Look at your adorable daughter."

Fang Yaru threw a glare at him. "Wasn't it you who spoiled her?" She then turned to Gu Nianbin, "Take care of your sister. The older she is, the more indecent she becomes."

Gu Nianbin was leaning against the sofa and staring at the side door. He was a little bit absent-minded and didn't pay attention to his mother.

Receiving no response, Fang Yaru was about to continue when Gu Nianbin got up and went upstairs. Annoyed, she turned to her husband. "What's going on? Why do they ignore me like this?"

"Alright, stop nagging. I'm leaving, too." Gu Guangxian stood up and started to go upstairs.

"Hold on. I'll help you up." Fang Yaru caught up with him hurriedly and helped him go upstairs.

After the masters all went upstairs, Lanzhi tidied up the fruit plates on the tea table and couldn't wait to go to the room to tell Du Xiaoxian about the news.

Du Xiaoxian was totally at a loss. "Send me to school?"

The other two maids who lived with her admired her luck. "Wow, Xiaoxian, you're so lucky. What a good thing to go to school!"

Du Xiaoxian felt she was not smart enough to understand the situation. All these things after her accident were beyond her expectation. She did not understand. She was just a servant. Why could a servant be sent to school? Why were the masters so grateful to her just for her injury? Why did they reward her with such great gratitude, like the saying went, the grace of dripping water should be reciprocated by a gushing spring grace? What could she do? Should she accept it?

However, no one discussed it with her the second day. So she thought that Lanzhi must had misheard it. Was it possible for masters to send a servant to school?

Forced to lie in bed for two days by Uncle Xiao and A Ling, Du Xiaoxian was ultimately bored and uneasy. On the third day, she couldn't wait. She was a servant and was obliged to work, not to rest. In the evening, while others were busy working, she took a broom to the front yard to do the cleaning. There were fallen leaves everywhere. She had to clean up the yard quickly because a guest would come in a while.

She swept all the way to the gate with the big broom and saw a white car driving in. It was not any family member's car and the guest must be coming. When the car passed by her slowly, she found that the driver was a very beautiful lady. Du Xiaoxian was shocked and stood there, watching.

The pretty lady parked the car under the tree slowly and got out. Du Xiaoxian now noticed that she was also tall and elegantly dressed, with a calf-length dress in light blue and a white handbag. Lanzhi had said that the young master's girlfriend was coming to have dinner today. It must be her. Du Xiaoxian looked at her from afar. The young lady was so beautiful and elegant. She made a perfect match with the young master.

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