
anything for acceptance

Claimed by The Arrogant Alpha


Chapter 58: anything for her to be liked


She could understand her dislike to an extent, but…this? Trying to directly sabotage Jessica’s relationship with her son by physically separating them and placing Kai next to someone she was well aware was only after the family fortune?

It was just a chair, a place at the table, but it spoke volumes that she wanted Eloise at Kai’s side instead of her.

His mate. His own girlfriend.

But knowing that Kai stood up to her and that Augustine hadn’t even bothered to change the seating warmed his heart too.

There were some good people here, she just had to look.

“Thank you.”

Augustine shrugged. “It’s not a big deal.”

“It is to me,” Jessica said, unsure what she would do without Kai by her side during the night.

“Alright, where were we?” René asked, rejoining them and passing Augustine a glass with a dark liquid and two ice cubes.

“Cocktail party,” Augustine filled her in, scooting over so René would sit next to h
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