

Sihana Caden

"Dad! I'm saying nothing but the truth! I'm nothing but a curse. As the only daughter of this family, I ought to make everyone happy rather, I kept bringing in more troubles for us! It's the truth! " I burst and begin to tear up.

I'm still amazed that I could still find tears coming out of my eyes. I've shed enough tears that, it has begun to hurt badly.

"Come here" he pulled me closer to his body and hug me tightly whilst, I felt my mom's hand caressing my back. "it's fine, everything is going to be fine" he added.

" Dad, I don't know what to do. I hate myself for making everyone feel this way and at the same time, I find it hard to forget about him. I tried, dad. I'm trying to but it's not working" I complained.

" That's okay, we understand you but, you have to know that you can't continue doing this forever. You have to learn how to forget him. That boy isn't the right one for you. Let him go" he said before breaking the hug and looking deep into my eyes. " Hmm? "H
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