



Waking up this morning and preparing for Alpha duties, breakfast was served and there was no sign of Camille.

Maybe she hasn't come down yet, I couldn't even smell her, hmm. I went to the office, rounded up some things and came back, still no sign.

"You" I pointed to one of the maids that I saw. "Have you seen Camille anywhere?" I asked her.

"No sir , we haven't seen her since morning" she replied.

"And no one cared to inform me? You better pray she's still in this house" I said as I walked out to go check her room, this was new. Where could she have gone too.

I knocked on her room door as soon as I got there. I knocked again before the door was opened and I was facing Camille.

"Why the hell are you in your--" I wanted to say but stopped as I sniffed the air and then looked at her.

"Your heat" I more like stated, than asked. She nodded her head looking so tired.

"It hurts so much" Camille whined as she left me there and went to lie on
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