
I’m not trying to escape.

Sarah pov

“You called me dad… It’s the first time,” Than sobs, pulling me impossibly close and I let him.

At this point, both of us need it. The comfort of each other while the world as we know it is slowly turning to ash and dust.

I have no idea if we will ever be strong enough to get out of this or will we go down in flames, but I still have the hope that we will be just fine. All of us.

Life plays its own game and fate loves to mess with everyone, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn the rules and break them all along the way.

“What do we do now?” I whisper the question as if I fear that someone will overhear us. And honestly, I do. If the thing inside me knows our next move, there’s no saying what it could be capable of to stand in our way.

“I need to think. I need to meet some of my friends, they might have answers. But for now-” he stops himself mid-sentence.

“For now?” I keep pressing. Even if Than knows I won’t like what he has to say, I need to hear it. Like in stupid m
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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
K. K. Winter
Before anyone gets angry - I'll update this book after I get some sleep.
goodnovel comment avatar
Oooo who made the leeches then?

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