
Chapter 148


The deep, baritone voice was ever so familiar and I knew exactly who it was. I raised my eyes from the floor and fixed them on Enzo. He stood behind Freya and the other omegas.

Freya made a sharp turn and I could sense the stiffness in her body at the sight of the alpha. The other omegas were visibly terrified and remained petrified in one place.

“What is going on here?” Enzo asked again, his tone firm and his gaze menacing.

“We were just welcoming Claire back to the clan, since we have missed her so much,” Freya lied.

“You missed her so much, that you ripped her clothing?”

Freya froze again and she took a few steps back but Enzo caught a hold of her arm. From the intensity of his grip, Freya let out a loud cry of pain.

“I saw everything Freya. You can’t lie to me. I promise you one thing though, you will be severely punished for what you have done,” Enzo said in a low, menacing tone that made even me tremble.

Freya lowered her head, too ashamed and scared to look Enzo in
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