


"I'm sorry, Karen. You can't work here anymore."

Mr Hendricks turned and walked back into his room.

I watched, rooted to the spot and only heard the faint sound of the door as it went shut. Everything else went blank.

My body went cold as the realization of what had just happened began to dawn on me.

I had other part time jobs but none of their pay was half close to what Mr Hendricks had agreed to pay me working part time as a maid in Adam’s mansion.

"Father… Lily…"

What was I supposed to do now? What was going to happen to Father's treatment and Lilly's upkeep?

I forced myself to blink back to the moment. Swallowed as I felt my palms suddenly drenched.

I pressed it down against my apron, turned and started out of the corridor.

I was taking off my apron and trying to change back into my clothes when Mrs Caro came into the changing room.

"What have you done?" She queried quirkily and her lips pursed.

I guessed Mr Hendricks had told her already.

"I'm sorry Mrs Caro, it's all my fault," I apologized quietly.

She stopped in front of me. Her eyes were furious at first but then it began to soften.

"I'm just coming from Mr Hendricks room. He has asked that you be relieved of your job. He is kind enough to ask I give you a quarter of your pay and asked I keep it away from his son. You have only worked here less than a week! Why did you do it? Now you got yourself out of a job."

I didn't say a word. I actually was lost on what to say. I wasn't sure if any of my excuses were going to matter.

"I really need the job…" I mumbled the only words my head had continued to repeat.

She looked at me for a moment and exhaled heavily.

"I can't assure you of anything but I will try talking to Mr Hendricks but as you know it is Mr Jay that has the major say in this matter."

"Thank you, Mrs Caro."

She patted my back before she walked out.

I left Adam's mansion for home.

I really didn't want to go home. Father was going to ask a lot of questions. I didn't want to lie to him nor did I wish to tell him the truth.

I had no other part time job for that day. Actually I had reduced the part time jobs I accepted when Mr Hendricks accepted me to work for Adam's.

I walked into a restaurant and ordered a stout.

“Are you paying with cash or your card?” The woman asked

“Uh, cash.”

I dipped my hand into my jacket and took out a crisp of notes and handed it over to her.

She corked open the drink for me before she went back inside the counter.

I poured some of the drink into the glass cup and had a sip.

It tasted sweet.

Father had told me one time when I was having a drink with him. Mother had recently died then.

He told me alcoholic drinks usually tasted sweet when one had a lot going on in their head.

At the second sip, my phone started to ring.

I quickly picked it up hoping against all odds it was Mr Hendricks.

But it wasn't him.

“Yes? Yes, I am Karen Anderson and Mr Anderson is my father… what!”

I jumped up and out of my seat, grabbed my bag and dashed out.

“Father… Father…” I cried and mumbled shakily as I rushed over to the hospital.

I cried as I ran. My heart raced. I was worried, scared and unstable. Each step I took felt heavier than the previous.

I flagged down a taxi and even before the man stopped I had jumped in.

“St. Laurent’s hospital please.”

“Yes ma'am.”

It was the longest short journey I had had in a long time.

Everything felt blurred. The sound of my pounding heart echoed in my ears, matching the rapid beat of my heart. And every second felt like an eternity, as if time was conspiring against me.

“Sir, how long do we have to get to the hospital?” I asked the cab man.

“Calm down ma'am. I believe we will soon get there.”

A storm raged inside me. Anxiety tightened its grip on my chest, making it difficult to breathe.

My thoughts were a jumble of memories and unanswered questions. I didn't want to but I found myself imagining the worst case scenarios, fearing the unknown that awaited me at the hospital.

As I sprinted into the hospital, my body trembled with a mix of exhaustion and anticipation.

In the flurry of activities, urgent footsteps of medical professionals, I maneuvered my way forward to the receptionist.

“Where is my father… I mean, Mr Anderson… he was rushed here some moments ago…”

“Please wait a moment…”

She punched some keys into the computer before her.

“Mr Anderson?

“Yes, he is my father. Which room is he in?”

“You are Mr Anderson’s daughter?”

“Yes, I am. Where is my Father?”

“He was brought here some minutes ago. Sign this document and go over to room 112.”

I quickly signed the document she presented to me and hurriedly made my way through the maze of corridors to find Father.

I finally arrived at Father’s room and with trembling fingers I pushed open the door.


Tears welled up in my eyes and they dropped against my resistance.

I rushed to his side and embraced him tightly.

“Karen…. It's okay. Your father is okay. I am a strong man, don't you know? Why are you crying? You are a big girl now. What would Lily do if she saw you crying this way. She will laugh at you…”

“This is not time to make jokes Father!”

He laughed and the sound of his laughter warmed my ears down to my heart.

The doctor entered.

“Doctor, is something wrong with my father?”

“Thankfully it wasn't anything serious but some tests should be run to know why he lost consciousness. And it's a good thing he was brought here as soon as possible. The fall affected a part of his legs. As you know his situation, we will have to run some tests and do some physical examinations like X-ray and CT scans to see if he has any fractures , sprain or soft tissue injuries. Blood tests will also be run for underlying health factors involved. We will have to see after that. I believe you should see the nurse and she will direct you on the procedures for the tests to be run,” the doctor explained.

Truthfully I heard his words but my brain didn't process the majority of it.

When he left I followed him.

“Doctor, will my father be alright?”

He stopped and looked at me without speaking for a moment.

“As soon as we run the tests, I'm sure we will see the state of things,” he said.

A harsh lump of swallow grated down my throat.

“He will be alright, don't let this weigh you down,” he added before he finally walked off.

I went to the nurse for directions on the tests to be run.

“You will have to make a deposit of four hundred and seventy dollars to begin.”

“Four hundred and seventy dollars?”

“I'm sure the doctor must have listed out the tests and scans to be carried out. We are going to be needing money for that, ma'am.”

Four hundred and seventy dollars… I was running low on cash and now I was out of a stable job. Dad needed treatment and I had debts to clear off.

A heavy sigh escaped me.

I had to find a replacement but that was going to take forever.

I just needed Adam's job. Just the Adam's job.

Dear whoever is listening up there,

Help me, please.

“Are you paying with cash or card, ma'am?”

It was the voice of the receptionist that jolted me back to the moment.

“Yes, urhm…card.”

I handed her my card and she slotted it into the card reader in front of her.

When she finished, she returned my card and gave me some papers to sign. Father's tests and scans were begun at once.

The next day I prepared and headed to Adam's.

I had no better option. If it warranted me begging on my knees, then I swore to do it. As far as I got my job back, as far as I got my paycheck.

“Please Mr Hendricks. I am begging you…please I really need this job. My family depends on it. Please help me…”

“Look, Miss Karen. I already told you there is nothing I can do about this. You must have received a quarterly pay. That was all I could do within my power. I'm sorry.”

“Mr Hendricks…I'm sorry….It's all my fault.”

I turned to see Mrs Rhoda.

“What do you mean by that?” Mr Hendricks asked her with a frown.

“I made Miss Karen clean the young master's room in my stead. My son was taken in and I had to rush over to the police station. I had Miss Karen do my duty. It is my fault. I'm sorry.” She dipped her head apologetically.

Mr Hendricks was almost furious.

“Mrs Rhoda, you were given an instruction and should have kept to it. I mean you could have asked anyone else. Why are you telling me now? It's already done.”

“I’m sorry Mr Hendricks. Miss Karen was available then and I couldn't…”

“Forget it. You may leave.”

He dismissed her with a wave of hand.

He looked at me and sighed in frustration.

I could see I had put him in a tight position.

But what kept baffling me was why anyone was allowed to clean the snob young master's room beside me.

I would have said it had something to do with my meeting with him at the club but I had already started working here before that occurrence.

Whatever was his reason. All I cared about at that moment was getting my job back.

“You should leave. I will speak with my son.”

“Speak with me about what?”

A voice sounded behind us.

I froze. I didn't need to look to know the owner of the voice. It's iciness alone sent shivers down my spine. I wondered what would happen if I finally faced him.

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