


“Speak with me about what?”

A voice sounded behind us.

I froze. I didn't need to look to know the owner of the voice. It's iciness alone sent shivers down my spine. I wondered what would happen if I finally faced him.

Ploddingly, I turned.

His eyes pinched at the sight of me.

Displeasure creased across his forehead.

“You…what are you doing in my premises?”

Okay it was now or never. I told myself and in a flash I took two steps and next I fell to my knees before him.

“I'm sorry I know I shouldn't be here. But… I need this job. Please. I really need this job for my family…I beg of you. I swear I won't be a trouble and I would never step foot into your room or anywhere else I am not needed…please…”

“Please Jay, can you reconsider?” Mr Hendricks threw in.

“Father… you know we can't make an exception. We have been holding this tradition for years. We can't wake up one morning and make an exception for just one person.”

“We humans make rules and we humans also break the same rules. Because rules are rules and lives are lives.”

He looked at me, more like glared at me.

Then he exhaled a chunk of air clearly filled with frustration.

“Please Jay, reconsider one more time,” Mr Hendricks pleaded again.

“I will let her work… but only for the remaining month. She should be able to sort herself out while she is here for the month. That is the best I can do. And,” he glared down at me, “I do not want to see your face. I'm trying to say, do not let yourself show before me.”

“Ye…yes sir…”

He turned sharply and started to stride away.

“Thank you sir! Thank you!” I yelled after him as he left. Then I turned towards Mr Hendricks.

“Thank you, Mr Hendricks. I truly appreciate it.”

“You heard him. You should get another job soon.”

“Yes I will. I will do that. Thank you.”

I was already planning on that… getting a stable job. I had always run from doing a stable job as it took up a lot of my time. It was better to combine taking care of Father and doing part time jobs.

And, I hadn't fully graduated from the university and had taken two year evening courses in a lower college instead and couldn't even land a good paying stable job.

“You can go home for today and begin work tomorrow,” Mr Hendricks said and went back to his room.

I was excited but I had no time to waste. If I was going to survive, I might as well start hunting for jobs.

I quickly placed a call across to my best friend, Tina.

She worked in one of these huge companies in the city. She said I should come over to a café. around her work place.

I saw her as soon as I got to the café. She was seated alone obviously waiting for me to arrive.

“Hey, Tina. You are out here, will that be okay? I'm sorry I got you out while you are at work.”

“It's okay. You don't have to worry. My boss isn't a monster.”

“Lucky you…” I mumbled as I plopped into the seat across from her.

I waved the waitress over our table.

“Latte for me. What will you take?” I glanced at her.

“Cappuccino with an extra sugar and cream.”

I dug my hand into my bag and retrieved my card and handed it to the waitress.

“You are paying?” Tina asked me.

“Yes. I called you out. This is the least I can do.”

“Oh Karen, you didn't have to. I mean you are having it tough already.”

“It’s okay. So, what were you saying on the phone? That I can apply to work in Adam's? Is that even possible for someone like me?”

“You can apply. This is the first time this year the company is conducting an interview, setting aside grades or qualifications or type of university. They call it the special interview. The CEO’s decision. He started this some years ago. No one knows why he would do such a crazy thing… but now that I think about it, perhaps the heavens are on your side. You could get a chance. All that matters is how good you are during the interview and maybe a bit of your experience. Why don't you apply?”

For a moment I thought about Tina’s words.

It was understandable if it were any other company out there but Adam’s? It was one of the biggest groups out there. If not the biggest itself. They had subsidiaries across the country and cities, majored in the heavyweight industries including automobile, hospitals, production and others.

It was impossible. Not with my kind of degree. It was a mere wish that was likely never going to come to pass.

But I was desperate. And you know what desperate people do? They take risks.

“I am going to apply. Yes, I will. I will apply in other companies too and also in Adam's.”

“You will? Oh that's my girl. That's faith! But, isn't the CEO the one you are working in his house?”

“What? He…your CEO’s name is Adam?”

“Yes. You didn't know. Adam's group of companies from Adam.” She stretched.

Fuvk, was I being excited a moment ago for nothing? It can't be. It had to be a different Adam.

“Hey, Tina, let me see a picture of your CEO.”

“Wait… don't tell me you had no idea he owns Adam's group of companies or did you forget?”

Tina scrolled through her phone to get a picture of the chairman of Adam's group.

Fervently I wished, prayed that the Adam she would be showing me would be totally different from the Adam I know. There were over a hundred people out there with the name Adam.

“Here, this is him. Isn't he too hot and perfect?”

I grabbed her phone and had a look.

A feeling of disappointment washed over me. My excitement fizzled away.

“Come on, admit it, he is hot and perfect?” Tina nudged me.

Hot and perfect my ass. More like an asshole.

I sighed defeatedly.

“It won't work, Tina. I can't apply.”

“Why? Because you work for him? Didn't you say he had asked you to be relieved of your job at the end of the month?”

“Exactly. I can't see his face ever. An order from the asshole himself.”

Tina laughed. “He really said that? It would be so hard working there without getting to see his handsome face, right?”

“I don't give two hecks about his face.” I hissed.

“You just don't want to admit it. No one ever saw Mr Jay and not fall instantly for his looks. But, why did you offend him? What did you do so badly that he is being that way to you? Wait.. is he still mad about the whole club incident?”

She asked in-between laughter. “Just the thought of it gets me all the time.”

“Why? Is he different at work? Does he show you guys his perfect face, hot body and smile sweetly from time to time?” I asked sarcastically.

“Well, not that… Well, everyone sees him as perfect here.”

“He must be nice to you then. Lucky you lots.”

“But, he rarely gets even a bit closer to any worker, especially young female workers of his. He never smiles at us. We all thought it was because he is the boss and for the sake of his reputation but, isn't it weird?”

“What is weird?”

“That he has never been caught in the media for dating rumors or being in a relationship. Not even once. I mean, does he not see any woman at all? He is a man for fuvk’s sake and blood rushes through his veins. Surely he can't be that perfect right?”

I shrugged. It was damn none of my business if water flowed through his veins as a matter of fact.

Tina waved me to lean closer. “Karen, don't scream… but what if he is gay?”

“Pfffffffft! What the!”

“Shhhhh! I just told you not to scream!”

“Tina, you should watch your words. Defamation and false allegations are crimes in this city. Unless you got some stashed cash somewhere for a lawyer.”

Tina shrugged. “I hope I am wrong though. He is too perfect for some man to have. Don't you think so too?” She added dreamily.

I rolled my eyes, finished up my coffee and stood.

“I gotta go. I have to get Father's test results.”

“Oh, how is Father? I feel so terrible. I should come one of these days and see him.”

“Well, you are occupied with work. I'm sure Father understands.”

“So you are really not going to apply?”

“Yes. I will try other companies.”

I drew in a breath and sauntered out of the Café.

A breath of determination and zeal.

Adam's company wasn't the only company in town anyways. I wasn't going to beat myself up for missing an opportunity to land what would have been a good paying job because of my arrogant boss who just happened to own it all.

Somehow I believed I would land a job. I just had to believe. Not like I had a lot of choices but to believe anyway.

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