
39| Whitney's Truth

We had no issue getting to the Taylor residence without any paparazzi, and I breathed a breath of relief once we were inside and I was able to take the itchy blonde wig off. 

“He’s upstairs in his room,” Isabella answered my unasked question with a motion of her hand to the steps. 

I nodded my head to her and began walking up the steps and towards Isaac’s room. I could hear my parents and Isabella make their way to the living room to sit and have a chat. 

Once at his door, I knocked hesitantly at first, nervous about how he would react to me showing up out of nowhere. Then again, he has done that to me numerous times before. 

I knocked louder this time but still got no response, so I slowly cracked the door open and peeked inside. 

Isaac was laying on his bed topless with his back facing me. His hair was a mess on the pillow and he

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