
Chapter 42


Her body slums down on my thigh as she finally falls unconscious, her hair cascades down on the floor. My hand circled her figure. Her face paled and lacked the glow which I always used to see on her. The fierceness which her face always adored lacked.

With a trembling hand I remove the strands of her unruly hair sticking on her face.

She looked so broken and lifeless.

Suddenly a tear drops on her chin, more follows them as I cry silently. I pull her closer to me and hug her tightly. My hands tighten around her as I wail on her unconscious shoulder.

“What have I done?" I whisper in the silence of the room.

“What did I do?"

I clench my eyes shut. My chest vibrates as a full blown sob escapes my lips.

With trembling limbs I get up with her in my arms, bridal style. And as soon as I take a step ahead I stagger and fall on my knees. My hands instantly tightened around her protectively. My legs were immovable and hard to move.

I wiped away my tears as my sight got hazy.
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