
59. I Will Take Care of You


I watch Delilah walk away and sigh to myself. I couldn't feel any pain because of all the drugs they gave me, but I remembered the severe pain when the bullet hit my waist. I thought I was going to die right then and there.

Ryan dropped the gun right after he shot me and just stood there like a statue. It was as if he couldn't believe it himself.

"You shot me, asshole," I had screamed at him before dropping to the ground. Pain shot through his body, and the first thing he thought about was Delilah. The thought of me dying and not seeing her again hurt worse than my wound.

I should've treated her better, I thought to myself as I lay on the ground, bleeding. I heard someone screaming and shouting. Sounded like the security guard. And then the noises of him fighting Ryan. About time he got here, I thought before losing consciousness.

The next time I opened my eyes, I was already in the hospital. A man wearing a white hospital coat was hovering over my face.

"Where's my wife? Wh
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