
101- deal with the devil

Michael’s POV

The weight between my shoulders had grown ever since we got back from the enemy castle. The clicking of the clock seemed overly loud in the wide study as I paced back and forth, cursing under my breath as panic covered my every step.

“You need to stay calm Michael, it's probably not as bad as it seems-” My mother whispered and I glanced at her sharply, forcing her into silence.

The two of them, Fedora and my mother were huddled together on the black leather sofa of my study, their wide eyes following me back and forth in a way that made my gut clench angrily.

Not as bad as it seemed? I had lost my goddamned mate to a monster-wielding psychopath and that was all she had to say? I couldn't believe it!

“If she is there of her own choice Michael, then there's really nothing you can do,” Fedora sighed, big black eyes watching me intensely before I slammed my fist into the table and made both women jump.

How dare she speak of Elena like she knew what happened? She couldn't pos
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