
Chapter 58. Analyzing the statement.

POV Isabella Di’Giotanno.

After the connection was cut with the colonel, I stared at him in total shock. When he said, "thank you my queen," I felt like someone poured a bucket of cold water over me. The colonel falls to the ground. Eric quickly lunges at him. Place him on his back on the floor and check for a pulse. Eric looks at me, shaking his head.

“Shit!” a pissed off Alec replies, absolutely frustrated by the whole situation we are experiencing. He holds his head with both hands, still sitting next to me.

“What the hell happened? He looked fine!” says Peter, just as surprised as all of us.

All of us in the office look at each other in silence. Nobody knows what to say.

After a few minutes that seemed like hours, Mom breaks the awkward silence by saying, “We can’t leave him there on the floor. We need to call Scott. An autopsy is necessary to tell us the cause of death.”

Alec adds, “You’re right Claire. Do it now.” Mom responds, “right away, prince.” Alec goes on, saying, “Then w
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