
CHAPTER 73 – FlowerMan is Calling You

When they reached their home, Celine was greeted by a pleasant surprise.

“Lindaaaa!!!!” she bolted towards the pregnant lady waiting inside their house.

“I miss you so much”

“How are you?”

“Where have you been?”

“Why are you so fat?”

Celine’s excited voice and questions brought smile to Linda’s face except for the last one.

The last one was not very pleasing to the ears.

“I’m okay, doll. Bored, but I’m okay” Linda said but she immediately noticed the bruising in her cheek.

She wanted to scold Daniel but the man was gone without even saying hi.

What a jerk.

When Daniel came back, he was carrying an ice pack and a medicine box.

“What happened?” Linda asked.

“Minerva happened” Daniel replied flatly while gently pressing the ice pack.

Linda felt her body shivered in a murd

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