

   “Mr. Hudson sir, the crowd is quite stable at the moment, but a few reports are beginning to get suspicious. We will need to start soon.”

    Glaring at his assistant, Phillip quickly returned his attention to the already frantic teenager trying to offer words of reassurance. “Don’t worry Princess, one way or another, Jeremy Adams is going to be your fiancé by the end of tonight.”

    “B… but daddy, Chelsey said they weren’t coming. Maybe Jeremy’s not going to show up either…. Why doesn’t he love me? am I not good enough?” Britney began sobbing loudly while huddling up in her father’s embrace.

    “My baby girl is the best, the most beautiful creature there is, just like her mother. If Adams can’t see that then he’s a blind fool.”

    “No! I’m nothing compared to Erika Stevens. He chose her over me…. I’m ugly! I hate myself!” She continued to perform her world-class act in the fa


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