
One more chance?

Ella?"I said as she pick up.

"Would you come back to school please?"

"Bob.."I said as I chuckled

"We really miss you Vee"

"Awwn. Thanks"

"How about we come over to visit you?"

"Nah..that's not necessary"


"Can you give the phone to Ella please..i really have an important issue".

"Yes I'm here. "I heard Ella's voice and some they struggle for the phone

"Can you leave where Bob is?"

"Er.. owkay..I'm far from him.. What's up?"

"It's Barry.."

"What's wrong with him. Is he okay?"

"'s just..He wants us back..I mean..both of us.. couple"

"Awwn. What did you say?"

"I gave him a no"

"Are you insane!?"she yelled

"I don't know..I mean.. Jenifer rejected him..and that's why he's back with me..if Jennifer hadn't.."

"I understand.."

"So what do I do..?"

"Sincerely..I'm speechless"

"Don't be..I called to ask for your opinion"

"I'll go for Barry ,Vee"

"He doesn'"

"Even if he doesn't love you like Jennifer, he could nev
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