

Isaac POV

I stormed down the steps to the basement, flinging insults at myself the entire way. I flung the door to the room I was looking for open, hoping it wouldn’t slam loudly enough for Maise to hear and decide to come investigate.

“You all are cruel,” I growled to the room, making sure to take a moment to glare at each and every one of them.

“I’m sorry,” Blair insisted, sounding truly apologetic. “This spell is fueled by desire, and it’s the only way we would get true, unfiltered desire out of her. She would be too nervous if she knew.”

“Why not Rudi? Or just use me?” I argued. “Is twenty three years of pent up desire not enough?”

Blair gave me a knowing glare. “You and Rudi are helping with the spell, first off. Second, a virgin’s desire is always best. Lastly, lust is strongest, and I should hope you haven’t been lusting after her for twenty three years, seeing as she is only twenty three years old.”

Kaleb’s smug laughter echoed from across the room. “Besides, we a
Lydia Maine

I love this chapter like none other. For the record, Ammit is an Egyptian demon who eats impure souls. Her brother weighs them against a feather, and if they are heavier, she eats them. The lighter ones go on to eternal paradise.

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