
Demon (2)

~ Amira ~

Demon's unwavering gaze fixated on Amira, causing a subtle unease to creep over her. If she were to admit, it also stirred a warmth within her under such an intense gaze. This was a dream, though. Even if he tried something, it wouldn’t hurt.

And why wouldn’t he try anything? Admittedly, she was his mate, but she couldn't ignore the fact that she had once attempted to kill him, spread damaging rumours about the Alpha King, and engaged in questionable actions before this whole body-swap malarky.

That didn’t stop Amira from tilting her chin up slightly, meeting this wolf’s gaze, and raising her hand to his face. At the touch of his soft fur on the side of his face, Demon’s eyes widened slightly, and his lips lowered, hiding his teeth before closing his eyes and leaning into Amira’s touch. Her lips parted in shock as this ferocious beast that many feared was allowing her to pet the side of his face.

Was she in her dream, or was this a dream state where she was meeting Rhys’ wo
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