
Chapter 3

Tiana's POV

"Alex Gray? How the hell did you meet Alex Gray?!" Aya exclaimed, startling the shit out of me.

I ignored her question because there's no way I'm telling Aya that I had sex with a man I met for the first time.

"I know I already sound like a broken record but this is why you should stray away from your root for too long, or at all, as a matter of fact. You are from Willow Heights, born and fucking bred and you don't even know who Alex Gray is. This might sound harsh, but you're a failure, Tiana." Aya added.

I restrained myself from saying "you don't sound like a broken record, one might actually mistake you for a goddamn radio." But I thought better and held my tongue.

When she saw that I was staring blankly at her, she rolled her eyes at me and began, "I'm sure you have never heard of the Eclipse Wolves. They are untouchable and unstoppable. Even though they are an arrogant bunch, every werewolf and even humans know better than to provoke them. They once wiped out a whole pack because one of them touched one of their own. The elders of the werewolf community have once suspected the ripper to be one of the Eclipse Wolves but the eclipse wolves are so brazen in their notoriety that the town knows that they take too much pride in their ruthlessness to kill people anonymously. Even Dad knows not to cross their path."

"Okay, Aya. What does the Eclipse Wolves have to do with Alex?" I found myself asking her impatiently.

"Why are you so dumb and slow in the head? You should be able to put two and two together..." Aya snapped irritatedly at me, and then added, "The Alpha of these Eclipse Wolves, who is known to be more ruthless than all his pack members combined, is Alex Gray."

My jaw dropped. Literally.

Alex is a werewolf??

And not just a werewolf, he's the Alpha of an alleged ruthless and people murdering pack???

"So that brings me back to the question, how the hell did you meet Alex Gray? Please don't tell me you already rattled the nest of the Eclipse Wolves." She glared at me coldly.

"What? No, I didn't." I shook my head in denial.

Aya didn't look like she believed me, "But you did something, didn't you?"

"N..No. I didn't do anything." I said but I couldn't meet her face. Aya will take my life before my parents get the chance to, if she finds out that I slept with the most ruthless Alpha in Willow Heights.

"You are lying." She stood up from the couch and stood in front of me. "Your werewolf instincts may be as good as dead and useless but mine isn't, which means I can actually tell that you're lying through your teeth right now after spending the night outside this house. Now for the last time, Tiana, what the hell did you do?" She said the last statement in a threatening voice.

I was already shaking in my legs. Aya was my older sister, and we grew up together but she has done a very good job to instill her fear in me and every second I spend with her, makes me more terrified of her than the last. It has always been like this since we were kids, especially since my parents don't hide the fact that I'm the least favourite member of the family.

"I said I didn't do anything, Aya."

"Then where were you all night?" She demanded.

I didn't reply and continued staring at my laps, then suddenly I felt the sharp pain in my scalp. Aya had grabbed my hair with full force.

"Aya..." I winced in pain. 

"You were trying to run away, weren't you?"

"No... Aya please." My voice came out strained because of the pain I was feeling, she was grabbing my hair with all her strength.

She brought her face closer to mine, and glared at me, "Don't you fucking try it. Do you hear me?? Because I will sniff you out and break your fucking limbs one by one." Then she whispered into my ears, "I will kill you first before I'm shipped off like a commodity to marry into that crazy Griffin family." 

"Aya, is your sister finally back?" 

Dad's voice interrupted the incessant threats and she let me go, adjusting her clothes to face Dad properly.

"Yes, fortunately. And yes, I guessed right, she was trying to run away." Aya said and my eyes widened alarmingly.

"No I wasn't." I said, my voice cracking in the process.

"Yes you were, Tiana. Your mother and I thought you have changed from the selfish little girl we used to know but it's so heartbreaking to realize that we were wrong. The Moonlight Pack is in danger, we are about to be exterminated by a psychopathic serial killer and all we ask of you is get married to the Alpha of---"

"I was attacked by a rogue!" I cut in, abruptly interrupting my dad. 

Aya and my dad exchanged looks and Aya said, "Another lie. She's lying, Dad. I suggest we tie her up and lock her in the dungeon, she needs to learn her--" 

My dad held his hand up to stop Aya from talking, "Did you just say, a rogue?" 

I nodded reluctantly, "Yes. On my way home." 

Then I saw my dad's face go pale immediately, he released a shaky breath and sat down on the couch. 

"Dad, do you seriously believe that? Willow Heights don't have rogues for god's sake!"

"We used to... Until they were exiled from the town." Dad said.


"Those rogues were going against the rules that forms our community, they became a threat to the werewolf community so to protect our own, we sent them out of our town, the ones who refused to leave, were burned alive." Dad explained, still looking distressed.

What the hell?

They burned people alive???

"And I was the one who led the coup." 


"They are back. They want revenge and they will not stop until they get it. These people were deadly and nothing can stop them, even before they became rogues. They are now one hundred times worse as rogues."

I thought the Moonlight Pack was the most virtuous pack in this town. Why do we have so many enemies then? And I always seem to be the first target of the so called enemies.

Then I suddenly got reminded of what I saw in the underground room in Alex's bedroom. The tied up people. Having the same snake tattoo. They were rogues

Does Alex... the Eclipse Wolves... also know about the rogues invasion in the town?

"The Eclipse Wolves?" 

I snapped my neck up, alarmed at what my dad just said.

Did I just say that out loud?


"Did you just mention the eclipse wolves?" Dad's face had gone from pale to red. His eyes were flaming in rage and he started moving closer to me.

"Dad... I--"

"You are to never mention that name ever again, especially to the hearing of your future in laws. Do you understand me?!" My dad warned, with an angry growl.

I nodded hastily, "What does Alex Gray have to do with the Griffins?" I dared to ask.

"The Rover Pack and the Eclipse Wolves are each other's worst enemy. Their generations have been rivals. They have a century long feud between them. And the enemy of Rover Pack is our enemy, so don't ever mention that name around here. Is that clear?!" My father roared.

I nodded again.

"Use words, Tiana Thompson." My dad ordered.

"Yes, Dad."

I replied but I had countless questions like, what the hell do I do about my attraction to Alex then? What if it's too late to warn me against him and his pack when I'm already this gone for him? What do I do when I get wet everytime I think of the sex I had with my fiance's rival and worst enemy??

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