

We decided on an elegant, black, form-fitting cocktail dress. When paired with the super-high, shiny, black stilettos that Kim had loaned me, the look was classic and stunning. I just hoped I didn't fall down, especially considering what I was wearing underneath my ensemble.

The thigh-highs, garter and racy thong were not my traditional type of undergarments. It made me feel sexy, though, to know how scantily I was clad underneath my demure outfit. I shivered in anticipation as I imagined how Devin's eyes would sparkle when he discovered my naughty secret.

As I climbed the steps to the museum, I wished again that Devin had picked me up instead of asking me to meet him here. I had waited until fifteen minutes after the event started, hoping that there would be plenty of people here, so I could slip in unnoticed. I despised walking into parties by myself. The great room of the museum had been transformed into a sparkling fairy forest and the effect was magical. Six-foot tall mushrooms painted red with white polka dots were scattered around, giant colorful butterflies dangled from the ceiling and the entire room had an overhang of moss that draped between enormous trees that towered over everything. There were what appeared to be a million twinkle lights glimmering from all angles.

I gasped as I took in the amazing transformation of the room. It felt like magic. My eyes were drawn to him. Devin was standing by the bar, looking dashing in a black tuxedo. The gentleman he was with was talking animatedly, but Devin wasn't paying any attention. He was completely focused on me.

His eyes bored into me as they slowly traveled down my entire body, then back up to my eyes. The hair on my arms raised as he openly perused me. My whole body tingled as his eyebrows lifted and his lips turned up slightly, indicating he liked what he saw.

I wanted him then and there, but I forced myself to look away. This was neither the time, nor the place for ripping his clothes off, but I vowed to get him naked soon - very soon. I felt him watching me as I found a seat at a table that had a direct view of where he was standing near the bar.

I grinned as I decided that it was time to torture him a little and make him want me as much as I wanted him. Knowing that my cleavage looked fantastic in this dress, I deliberately dropped my black clutch near the chair I had chosen. Then I slowly bent to retrieve it, giving him a full, long view of my dangling breasts nearly bursting out of my dress.

I had the satisfaction of seeing his mouth fall open as I raised back up, eyes riveted on his, to let him know the peep show was exclusively for him.

When the waiter came by, I ordered a Pepsi, not wanting any alcohol to be numbing my body when Devin was inside me later. Feeling him watching me, along with the unfamiliar sensation of the thong pressing against me intimately, had me wet with anticipation.

I attempted to make small talk with the guests at my table, but all I could think about was Devin and how much I wanted him. His eyes were like a magnet for mine, and every time I glanced at him, he was openly looking at me. He looked at me as if I was the only woman in the room, and it made me feel sexy and completely hot for him.

I turned to thank the waiter when he brought my Pepsi. That is when I saw the sign at the auctioneer's podium that read, The Booker Family's Free the World of Cancer Gala. I briefly wondered if Devin Booker was part of the Booker family who was sponsoring this amazing party. He certainly didn't seem like he came from that kind of money.

When I returned my attention to him, I found that his eyes were still riveted on me. There were plenty of beautiful women here tonight, so the way he was focused completely on me sent a thrill down my spine.

Looking at him, I picked up my glass and used my tongue to slowly swirl the straw. His fingers tightened around his glass and his whole body tensed as if he had just sucked in air as he watched me. I relished the thought that I could cause this kind of reaction in him.

I turned in my chair, crossing my legs so that a tiny bit of the garter peeked out. I toyed with it absently. When I chanced a look at him again, the gentleman who had been talking to him had given up on getting his attention and left. Devin was leaning against the bar, alone, watching every move my fingers made on the garter.

I glanced around the room, wondering if anyone else was watching the show. No one appeared to even notice, except for Devin who was totally engrossed in my every move. I inched my dress higher, exposing more of my thigh, as I continued rubbing.

A handsome, older gentleman walked up to Devin and said something in his ear. Devin nodded, gave me a quick wink and followed the man. As they walked off together, I looked at their shoulders and the way they each moved and decided that the man was likely Devin's father.

Since Devin was evidently busy for a few minutes, I excused myself from the table and left the ballroom to find a powder room. Once inside, I locked the door and checked my appearance in the mirror. My cheeks were flushed pink from being so turned on. I was normally my worst critic, but looking at my reflection, I had to admit, I looked sexy.

Just then, a quick knock on the door startled me. "Just a minute," I called.

"It's me. Let me in." His voice was deep and sexy.

I twisted the doorknob to unlock it, and he came in. The air between us tingled with electricity as he clicked the lock back into place. Then he lunged for me.

I watched him in the mirror as he stood behind me, kissing my neck and bare shoulder. His thick penis was hot and hard, pushing into my back. I reached behind us and grabbed his ass, pulling him into me, not wanting any space between us.

"I've wanted to get my hands and mouth on these tits all night," he growled into my ear as he lowered the zipper on the back of my dress.

His words shocked me and turned me on. My entire body was thrumming with excitement.

"Fantastic," he whispered as he watched in the mirror while my breasts sprang out of the top of my dress. He brought one hand up to play with them, while the other hand eased up my thigh, raising my dress. He traced his fingers along the garter, following the same path that I had teased him with earlier. We both watched in the mirror, completely aroused.

By the time he cupped his hand over me, my thong was completely soaked. I pushed back into him, panting with need. His huge cock pressed into my back as his teeth nibbled on my ear. I reached behind me to palm him over his tuxedo pants. When he smoothed his fingers up and down on my boobs, I moaned with pleasure. "Mmm, Devin."

He froze, as if someone had dumped a bucket of cold water on him. He backed away from me and ran his fingers through his hair. "You know Devin?" he asked. I was completely confused. Did he have multiple personalities? I knew he was too good to be true. My face must have registered my lack of understanding because he tossed the explanation over his shoulder on his way out of the bathroom.

"I'm his identical twin, Devon."

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